me&my health up

Glow from Within: The Connection Between Diet and Skin Health

September 16, 2024 me&my wellness / Christina Flach Season 1 Episode 228

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Unlock the secret to radiant skin with Christina Flack, the acclaimed celebrity makeup artist and CEO of Pretty Girl Makeup. Ever wondered how green juice and hydration can transform your complexion from the inside out? Or why avoiding sugar and fried foods, along with getting quality sleep, might be the game-changer for your beauty routine? Christina shares her holistic approach to skincare, emphasizing positivity and sun protection, and reveals how embracing change and focusing on your goals can completely revamp your regimen. Tune in for practical tips on simplifying skincare and makeup for busy lifestyles, and get inspired to enhance both your skin and mindset!

About Christina Flach
Christina Flach is a renowned celebrity hair and makeup artist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Since launching her career in 1995, she founded Pretty Girl Makeup and has built a prestigious clientele, working with major TV networks, celebrities, designers, and top brands. Known for enhancing her clients' natural beauty and making them feel their best, Christina also contributes as a philanthropist, a beauty expert on NBC’s CA Live, and a podcast guest. Represented by Zenobia & Ford Artists in NYC, LA, and Miami, she is available for travel worldwide.

Connect with Christina Flach

About me&my health up & Anthony Hartcher 
me&my health up seeks to enhance and enlighten the well-being of others. Host Anthony Hartcher is the CEO of me&my wellness which provides holistic health solutions using food as medicine, combined with a holistic, balanced, lifestyle approach. Anthony holds three bachelor's degrees in Complementary Medicine; Nutrition and Dietetic Medicine; and Chemical Engineering.  

Podcast Disclaimer
Any information, advice, opinions or statements within it do not constitute medical, health care or other professional advice, and are provided for general information purposes only. All care is taken in the preparation of the information in this Podcast. [Connected Wellness Pty Ltd] operating under the brand of “me&my health up” here for more

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Anthony Hartcher:

Welcome to another episode of me&my health up. I'm your host, Anthony Hartcher, a clinical nutritionist and lifestyle medicine specialist. And today we're diving into a topic that's on everyone's mind. How to achieve that radiant, healthy glow from within. Our episode today is titled, Glow from Within: The Connection Between Diet and Skin Health. We're going to explore the fascinating connection between what we eat and how our skin looks and feels. We'll discuss how nutrition impacts our skin health and share some dietary tips that that can help you achieve that radiant glow. And you're not alone in this journey. We're thrilled to have a special guest with us today, Christina Flach. Christina is not just any makeup artist. She's a world-renowned celebrity makeup artist represented by Ford Artists in New York City, LA, and Miami. Her work has graced the pages of Vogue, People, Time, and Elle. And she's been the creative force behind campaigns for luxury brands like Gucci and Louis Vuitton. As the creator and CEO of her own makeup brand, Pretty Girl Makeup, Christina has become a trusted voice in the wellness and nutrition industries, sharing must-know tips, tricks, and hacks. But her impact doesn't stop there. Christina is also a dedicated philanthropist, using her platform to raise funds for causes close to her heart, such as children's education and sepsis awareness. With her extensive experience and passion for health and beauty, Christina is the perfect guide to help us understand the connection between diet and skin health. So sit back, relax, and start our journey to glowing skin from within, guided by the insights and expertise of Christina Flach. Welcome on the me&my health up podcast. How are you, Christina Flach?

Christina Flach:

Hello, how are you? Thanks for having me today.

Anthony Hartcher:

Oh, fantastic. And it's so great to have a world-renowned celebrity makeup artist on the show.

Christina Flach:

Oh, my God, you're too kind.

Anthony Hartcher:

Well, it's just never had anyone of your caliber in relation to makeup artistry. And so I'm really fascinated to learn more about what you do and and how you help others look their best. And, and I'm sure the listeners would love to know some tips and tricks. So, but, before we get into that, I'd love to hear your backstory as to how you've arrived at being the world-renowned celebrity makeup artist.

Christina Flach:

Well, I was just a makeup artist and I still am a makeup artist. I'm just very blessed that I'm able to work with all these amazing different celebrities and athletes and musicians and people on TV. But it did not start out that way. I started working on my family, my cousins, my mom, my, any face that I could get a hold of. And then which led to doing weddings and proms and then working with different photographers. And then I miraculously got enough images together that I was able to get an agent. And so that's when things really changed and shifted, was when I was able, getting the first celebrity is always the hardest because they're special breed. They want, you know, to make sure that you've worked on other people that are, you know, like them. And so once you get one, you get more and it just kind of steamrolls from there. But it was a lot of hard work. It was, I loved every minute of it, but it's not something that... it's a lot, you know, it's early mornings, long hours, you're on your feet. It's intense, but it's fun and it's exciting. I love to travel. I love people. So it's a perfect fit for me. And then I'm also a CEO and creator of Pretty Girl Makeup. And I'm doing a new line called I'm Too Busy. So I have, I've also, I'm doing a new skincare line, a new makeup line, and I'm going to be a host of a new TV show called I'm Too Busy. I'm having my first episode on Wednesday. And I'm a beauty expert on California Live on NBC. So that's fun. I'm a philanthropist. I raise money for underprivileged children to go to private school and I'm a mom of five.

Anthony Hartcher:

Wow, very busy. Yes. Yes. Certainly have your days full. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, yeah. So today we're going to discuss the glow from within and it's that connection between diet and really good, healthy skin. So where does it start?

Christina Flach:

That is a great question. You know, it's, I talk, I speak a lot about beauty from the inside out, and it's not, it's about your attitude. It's, but it's also more importantly about the nutrition. What are you putting in your body? What are you drinking? Are you getting enough exercise? Are you getting enough rest? It's not called beauty sleep for, or it's called beauty sleep for a reason. It really, we don't get enough sleep. Most people think, oh, I got five hours of sleep. No, you need more. Your body needs to rest, need to rejuvenate. And I really believe a lot in keeping your body hydrated. I drink a lot of green juice every day. It actually looks more like purple swamp juice because I put in beets and blueberries and broccoli and, you know, power greens. So there's a lot of, I think for you to look like you have really good, healthy skin, all those things you need to do. You need to sleep. You need to exercise. You need to have a positive attitude. Smile goes a long way and, you know, drink, keeping hydrated and, you know, not eating a lot of sugar and fried food. You know, it just, it affects your body. And I think you will look like the best version of you if you, you know, take good care of your skin, keeping, you know, sunscreen, super important, eye cream, vitamin C serums, you know, retin-A on the face is really good. So there's a lot of things that you can do to prevent sun damage, wearing a hat and sunglasses, you know, and reapplying sunscreen, super important.

Anthony Hartcher:

I guess from a starting point of view, what do you consider the most important aspect to really hone in on?

Christina Flach:

Oh my gosh, I don't think there's one thing. I think it's all the things. It is, a lot of it is, you know, okay, let's do this. The sun, sun damage causes the most damage. Alcohol, cigarettes, terrible. But, you know, keeping your body hydrated with water, it, you will see the difference. Your skin will glow. It'll pop, you know, it'll get rid of some of the wrinkles because you're, you know, when you're dehydrated, it affects your skin. So I think it's the rest, the exercise, the preventing a lot of sun damage, and then, you know, watching what you eat and drink, all those things. If you do all those things, I think you will look like the best version of you. And then it makes my job as a makeup artist so much easier because when someone doesn't, you know, takes care of their skin, it makes my job so much easier.

Anthony Hartcher:

I guess part of what you've mentioned here is managing stress because you've mentioned a few stressors, such as, like a poor night's sleep is a major stress on the body. And you've mentioned, you know, like smoking and drinking and, you know, that puts a toxic load on the body. And, and I could, I could see, like, even mental stress, if someone's frazzled or has been anxious for long periods of time, which is affecting their ability to get a good night's sleep. And have you noticed much of a correlation between high stress and poor skin outcomes?

Christina Flach:

Of course. I mean, I think stress is the number one killer, you know, in the world. I think learning to manage one's stress, you know, meditation is an incredible tool. There's so many meditation apps that are free that you can listen to and slow your mind down, calm it down. You don't want to be taking tons of, you know, pills really hard on your body, hard on your liver. So I think all those things, they do make a difference, you know, keeping, keeping the phone out of your bedroom when you're going to sleep, you know, if you're going, you know, don't be scrolling emails or Instagram in the middle of the night. That's just stimulating your brain that, you know, you're not going to rest. So putting your phone away a couple hours before you go to sleep is really good. Reading a book, you know, taking a hot bath, making a cup of tea, just figuring out how to self-soothe. I think that's a super important skill to learn to do. Learning, you know, if you're exhausted, if it's too much today, sometimes it's time to just shut it down and go for a walk or go, you know, get your nails done, go do something else, you know, go read a book. I think we all, it's important to figure out what our triggers are and figure out how to manage them.

Anthony Hartcher:

Yeah, absolutely. Totally agree. In terms of your daily routine, what would it look like?

Christina Flach:

Well, I wake up about 6.30 every day. I have a glass of water with some a lemon squeezed into it, probiotic. I have tea. I go, today I went to Pilates. Some days I go to yoga, some days I'll go on a hike. I make sure I try and get some exercise every day because I just feel like a much calmer, better version of me, you know, and that's the other thing. When I'm going, I'm speaking on podcasts or on TV, speaking about beauty and wellness, if I look like a dishevelled, you know, frazzled mess, no one's going to listen to me. So I do really, it is important that I take care of my skin and, you know, how I look because I can't be positive and uplifting when I'm feeling like, you know, exhausted and haggard and, you know, not like the best version of me. So I do think those things are all important. I make sure that I, you know, I have green juice made every day. It's in the fridge. I'll have that periodically during the day. You know, I'll take time, you know, to exercise, to go just take a little bit of time. I love to be outside in the sun, you know, take my dog on a walk. You know, I will be on a photo shoot some days, some days I'm home doing podcasts or working on my company. Some days I'm gonna go watch my kids at a golf tournament when I'm lucky enough to be able to go do that. My kids are in college golfing, so I love that. And I just try to, you know, push myself. I've gotten comfortable being uncomfortable in a lot of situations and it's opened up a lot of doors for me. You know, my agents will call with a job and I always say yes, and I'm incredibly grateful for these jobs that I, you know, I'm selected. So I just think like, you know, pushing yourself to an uncomfortable place for me brings great opportunity. And so when I've learned to not just be like, oh, this feels a little uncomfortable, I don't want to do it. I forced myself to do it and it'll lead to something great. And it also brings a great deal, much more confidence when I've overcome these obstacles that I thought were going to be the end of the world, that they're not.

Anthony Hartcher:

Yeah, wow. It's, I love that statement of getting comfortable with the uncomfortable and making... Yeah. Yeah. Yes, it's, it's just, just on that, like, how did you really embrace that and, you know, endorse, like, you sort of have that as a philosophy of life and really, you know, chase opportunities because of, you know, that statement?

Christina Flach:

Well, I think when my friend Berlin Fisher came to me a couple of years ago and said, I'd like you to be a beauty expert on NBC with me. I'm going to be hosting and I need someone to take my spot. And I, my first reaction was, God, no. Like, I'm behind the camera, girl, not in front. And he just said that to me. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. You're talking about everything that you know, you're, we're not talking about anything that you don't know. It's not as we work ourselves up into such a frenzy of, oh, I can't do that. Telling ourselves, like, I don't do that anymore. I don't tell myself I can't do something. I don't sit there and create drama like, oh, this isn't going to work out or it's, you know, it is going to work out and just being positive. It just, it's so much easier. To me, worrying is the biggest waste of time. Focus on what you want, not what you don't want. You'll get whichever it is you focus on. So much better to focus on what you want than praying for bad things to happen.

Anthony Hartcher:

Yeah, it's a great mantra. And I could see how it's really served you well and opened up many doors and opportunities. So what's the next steps for you in terms of you're very ambitious and you have a lot of drive around this beauty and health wellness industry?

Christina Flach:

Well, I write articles as well for magazines. So I'm writing more. I'm starting this new TV show, I'm Too Busy, starting on Wednesday and I'm going to continue doing, you know, segments with NBC. I love doing that and, you know, different photo shoots with my clients and then keep creating new products and enjoy life. Love and laugh. I think these are all important things to do.

Anthony Hartcher:

A hundred percent. What's the I'm Too Busy? I'm keen to hear as to what's behind that.

Christina Flach:

Well, a friend of mine had trademarked I'm Too Busy, and he offered it to me. He goes, this is so perfect for you. I can't even keep it because this is for you. And I'm like, oh my God, that's so perfect. I'm too busy. But it also is like people will come to me, my clients, and tell me, you know, they've got skincare routines that are, that they don't use all the time because there are too many steps. So I wanted to come up with something that was three steps that I want people, men and women, to use consistently. You can have the best makeup, you know, skincare routine in the world, but if you don't use it, it's not going to work. So I want people to be able to use a three-step. We start with a reverse cleansing, which is putting on a moisturiser and a cleanser, and then putting, washing it off with the water. It puts up a barrier. You know, how often my, my beauty chemist asked me, well, what do you do first thing in the morning? And I said, oh, well I splash water on my face. And he said, really? So do you drink the water that you're splashing on your face? I'm like, well, after it's filtered and he's like, well, is it your bathroom? I'm like, no. And he's like, all right then, that's how we're doing the protective barrier of the cleanser and the moisturiser and then washing. Because oftentimes people, if you think about it, if you go into water, like a pool or the ocean, your skin gets tight because there's, you know, different minerals and chemicals in the water. And so if you have a protection, a layer between that and the water, it's not going to be get as, you know, as tight as dry or, you know, have fine lines and wrinkles. We do that. And then the third step is protection. And so we have that. And then regarding the makeup line of I'm Too Busy, I've had so many customers, different clients of mine tell me, oh my gosh, I bought all these products and I don't know how to use them. And it doesn't really fit my lifestyle. I don't have time to put, do this, you know, contouring or caking or baking or whatever different things that they were sold. So I really want customers to have what they actually need, not things that they don't. Because I don't think you're going to have brand loyalty if you sell people things that they don't know how to use or use. Just something for the brows, eyeshadows, you know, mascara, liner, cheek, and lips. And so that's what that is. Because I want everyone to be able to go, get ready quickly and go out looking like the best version of themselves. They don't need an hour to get ready. I get ready in, you know, 5-10 minutes. And, you know, I try to look as presentable as I can, the best version of me, and just with a few steps. And I think it's totally, you know, doable for anyone. They just need to know how to do it and what to use.

Anthony Hartcher:

Fantastic. Thanks for sharing some insight into the I'm Too Busy. How can the me&my health up listeners best connect with you?

Christina Flach:

Well, you can go to, go to and And I'm on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, all over the place. So yeah, have your, have your listeners contact me if they have any interest in seeing any of my work.

Anthony Hartcher:

I certainly will include those links in the show notes. And I just wanted to thank you for joining us today, Christina.

Christina Flach:

Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it.

Anthony Hartcher:

You're welcome.

Christina Flach:

Have a beautiful day.

Anthony Hartcher:

Thank you.

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This podcast and any information, advice, opinions, or statements within it do not constitute medical, healthcare, or professional advice and are provided for general information purposes only. All care is taken in the preparation of the information in this podcast. Connected Wellness Pty Ltd, operating under the brand "me&my health up" does not make any representations or give any warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness, or suitability for any particular purpose. This podcast and any information, advice, opinions, or statements within it are not to be used as a substitute for professional, medical, psychological, psychiatric, or any other mental healthcare or healthcare in general. me&my health up recommends you seek the advice of a doctor or qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Inform your doctor of any changes that you make to your lifestyle and discuss these with your doctor. Do not disregard medical advice or delay visiting a medical professional because of something you hear in this podcast. This podcast has been carefully prepared on the basis of current information. Changes in circumstances after publication may affect the accuracy of this information. To the maximum extent permitted by the law, me&my health up disclaims any such representations or warranties to the completeness, accuracy, merchantability, or fitness for purpose of this podcast and will not be liable for any expenses, losses, damages incurred, indirect or consequential damages, or costs that may be incurred as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason. No part of this podcast can be reproduced, redistributed, published, copied, or duplicated in a form without prior permission of me&my health up.