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Surprising Health Impacts of Deuterium Water | Heavy Water

me&my wellness / Anthony Hartcher Season 1 Episode 201

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Ever Wondered What's Lurking in Your Water and Food, Impacting Your Health in Unseen Ways?
Could the Key to Unlocking Optimal Health Lie in the Science of Subatomic Particles?

In this enlightening episode of me&my health up with your host Anthony Hartcher, a clinical nutritionist and lifestyle medicine specialist, we dive deep into the mysterious world of deuterium water — a substance you've likely never heard of but could be subtly influencing your health and well-being.

Deuterium water, or heavy water, might sound like a concept pulled straight from a sci-fi novel, yet it's very much a part of our reality and possibly your daily intake. With rising rates of heart disease, mental health issues, and metabolic disorders, it's crucial to explore every facet of our environment that could be contributing to these trends.

Discover the role of deuterium in our water and food, its impact on mitochondrial efficiency, and why understanding this heavy hydrogen isotope could be a game changer in managing and preventing chronic health conditions.

We'll explore:

  • What is deuterium water, and why should you care?
  • The hidden health impacts of high deuterium levels in the body.
  • Practical strategies for mitigating deuterium's effects through diet and lifestyle
  • Insights into ketogenic diets and intermittent fasting as methods for reducing
    deuterium intake.
  • How to make informed choices about your water and food to support your health and well-being.

Don't miss this deep dive into deuterium water and its potential to influence your health journey. Tune in to empower yourself with knowledge and strategies that could lead to a healthier, more energized life.

About me&my health up & Anthony Hartcher

me&my health up seeks to enhance and enlighten the well-being of others. Host Anthony Hartcher is the CEO of me&my wellness, which provides holistic health solutions using food as medicine and a holistic, balanced, lifestyle approach. Anthony holds three bachelor's degrees in Complementary Medicine; Nutrition and Dietetic Medicine; and Chemical Engineering.

Podcast Disclaimer
Any information, advice, opinions or statements within it do not constitute medical, health care or other professional advice, and are provided for general information purposes only. All care is taken in the preparation of the information in this Podcast. [Connected Wellness Pty Ltd] operating under the brand of “me&my health up” here for more

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Anthony Hartcher:

Welcome to another episode of me&my health up. I'm your host, Anthony Hartcher. I'm a clinical nutritionist and lifestyle medicine specialist. The purpose of this podcast is to enhance and enlighten your well-being. And today we're talking about a very different topic. And it's the surprising impacts of deuterium water on health, on your health. And so you probably haven't heard of deuterium water. And you're probably thinking, What the hell is Anthony talking about? It's also known as heavy water. And you might not have heard or come across heavy water. So today's episode is to talk about this whole concept of deuterium, in our water, and in our food, and what health impact is having on you and us as a population, we come across the rising rates of heart disease, the rising rates of mental health illness, ailments, and you hear about the rising, ever-increasing rates of Alzheimer's, Dementia, Parkinson's, Heart Disease, just to name a few. And then on top of that, you've got Type 2 Diabetes, Cancer rates, you're probably wondering, is there something common behind this and it's starting to emerge in terms of the quantum world, we're starting to understand health at a subatomic level. And it's this understanding of health at a subatomic level that's making a profound difference and giving us profound insight and understanding. For example, I had no idea of what was behind the success of a keto diet, or what's behind the success of intermittent fasting. I didn't really quite grasp it, but now it's becoming clearer through this deuterium subject. Yes. So let me define deuterium. So deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen. So what is hydrogen? What's the relevance of hydrogen? It's one of the most plentiful atoms that exist in planet Earth. Okay, it is everywhere. And it's what our body uses in order to create energy. It's part of the energy production process. And the reason why deuterium is concerning is when I say isotope, it's similar. It's hydrogen, but it's different. It's different at a at the physics level, in terms of what is containing within it. So deuterium, still known as hydrogen, but it's an isotope. And the reason why it's different to protium, for example, which is what our body prefers to use is protium. So it's where the hydrogen contains a proton and an orbiting electron. So a proton in the nucleus and an orbiting electron, whereas deuterium in the nucleus has a proton. However, it also got a neutron, and neutron and proton have the same atomic mass, okay? So it's essentially twice as heavy deuterium because of having the neutron in the nucleus. So it behaves similarly, but different if you understand what I mean, it's still defined as hydrogen that it has different physical properties in terms of the way it interacts, and how it binds to molecules. And so this is what we're exploring today is a subject of how deuterium and excessive amounts of deuterium hydrogen in our system is really implicating our health. And in particular, it's implicating our energy systems. So if you're someone that's constantly fatigued, it could be excessive amounts of deuterium. If you're someone struggling to lose weight or have blood sugar issues, such as high blood glucose or high insulin and or you could have high leptin resistance, this is all tied into this deuterium story. So listen in, listen in for some more insight. So what that does, that neutron in the nucleus of the hydrogen atom is that it makes it twice as heavy. So deuterium as water, deuterium water, so as a molecule so hydrogen to hydrogen is bound to an oxygen forms water so you've got a deuterium hydrogen bound to oxygen forming heavy water, or the deuterium atom is twice as heavy as the protium, which is just got the proton and the electron, twice as heavy. Now this becomes problematic when we're talking in terms of how our cells create energy, and you're probably wondering, or where does deuterium fit into this? Well, deuterium is found naturally. It's a naturally occurring in the environment. It's occurring at around 150 parts per million, which is equivalent to two drops in a liter of water, okay, so it's quite small, but the issue is when it builds up in our body, so when it accumulates in our body, just like any heavy metal accumulating in our body, it becomes problematic. And the body then wants to find what does it do with this excess deuterium, it can't use it as energy, and it's starting to build up. So it's it gets pushed, so this, the waste products the deuterium is pushed into fat cells, okay. And so this is the way that the body keeps it and, and this is can be determined through MRI scans. So we can actually see this on the scans. Now, what is the implicating factor of having this heavy hydrogen in your system, so it's a real problem at the cellular level, so becomes a problem with where our so in a cell, we have organelles within a cell, one of those organelles within the cell is the mitochondria. And the mitochondria is the powerhouse of our cell, it gives the cell energy, it allows the cell to replicate successfully and these organelles, well, this organelle, the mitochondria has its own DNA, and it produces energy for the cell. How does it produce energy? Well, it does it through channeling electrons from food. So it channels electrons through a tunnel. And as the electrons move through the tunnel, that pushes the hydrogen up, out, up out, or up a gradient, for example, it goes up a gradient, and then those protons that are going up the gradient, which is the hydrogen, and this is protium I'm referring to that is they're met with ATPase, which is an enzyme that creates ATP. And ATP is what we create within ourselves. That gives us the energy that we need for the cell and ultimately for life. And so when these protons are being pushed up the gradient this ATPase is gaining it starts getting the energy from it and creating ATP, which is our energy. Now the problem is with hydrogen or not with the heavy hydrogen, the deuterium, is that it clogs this process and it's too big to be moved, it's too heavy. It's like when you're riding a bike, and someone puts a stick in the clogs like a small stick won't make a difference, but a large stick does, it stops the clogs turning. And so our mitochondria is moving, moving electrons, moving protons, and this process that it does performs energy. And when we have something heavy that can't be moved, that is too big for the door to get in the door, then the body can't generate the energy as efficiently as it would. And the interesting thing is that I could never quite get my head around how the keto diet works, because our body can process carbohydrates, fats, and protein as energy and there's also alcohol. So we can generate energy from any of these sources, because they all contain hydrogen, right? However, the difference is that fats contain protium, it is low in very low, extremely low in deuterium, and the body can cope with fat, much better than what I can cope with carbohydrates, because carbohydrates are much higher in deuterium. And so when we consume excessive carbohydrates, and this is the key to why the low carb diet is so effective, is because if we're consuming excessive amounts of carbohydrates, which contain deuterium, or elevated levels of deuterium compared to fats, then our clogs or our electron transport chain that generates the energy gets clogged, it gets inefficient and this is why we end up consuming carbohydrates but still feel tired and feel like we're we're consuming energy and we should be able to produce energy, but we're still sluggish, we still feel tired and rundown and it's because our mitochondria has become really inefficient at utilising or getting rid of the deuterium. So it has so much ability to cope with removing deuterium. So yes, our mitochondria through the Krebs cycle, the TCA cycle, and that whole cycle actually is the process of removing deuterium and making sure that your deuterium is replaced with protium, which is the hydrogen the body can utilise. And so we have this Krebs cycle, which is what the carbohydrates go through, and it goes through that cycle in order to remove the deuterium hydrogen and replace it with protium and that way, we don't clog up the mitochondria, the mitochondria or its ability to produce energy. We don't make it inefficient. And so what happens is, when we're consuming excessive amounts of carbohydrates, our body can't cope with these excess quantities of deuterium. And so it needs to then move all these waste products somewhere in the body. And so what it does is move it into fat storage to get rid of it to get it out of the system so so that we can keep running. And so what happens is we continue to consume carbohydrates, but they're continually pushed into fat stores and we don't get the energy, we don't get the cellular energy. So we're consuming energy, but we're not allowing ourselves to create the energy our body needs for vitality. And so we are getting fatter yet and not got the energy, and we're looking for more energy. And so we eat more carbohydrates. And so this is the story and all the understanding that I didn't have. And I've only just started to get this understanding. And it's through the study of biology. At the subatomic level, it's getting down into the electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks, it is getting down into that subatomic level that we always had this understanding of biology at a molecular level, but not an atomic and subatomic level. And so this is profound in terms of giving explanation as to why the keto diet is so works so well, because what we're doing is producing giving the body fuel that is deuterium depleted. So when we eat fat, and in particular, it's got to be grass-fed fats, like grass-fed animal fats are the best, because they're the lowest in deuterium, our body can utilise that fuel, effectively, because it's deuterium depleted or really low. And so we can make energy from that. And that's why people say when they're on the keto diet, as to why they feel more alert, they can concentrate, they're not clouded, they're very focused, and they feel energised, they don't need to eat as much, because their mitochondria is working efficiently. And when we have efficiently run systems, we don't need to keep eating to get energy, we've got this mitochondria that's utilising the fuel more efficiently. And so I had, I didn't understand this about the keto diet. So I used to have a, I guess, a misunderstood, I didn't have a complete understanding. And it was only through this study of deuterium, that I'm starting to get a more complete understanding of why the keto diet works, and also why fasting works. So fasting is allowing the body to utilise fat stores, okay? So these fat stores are where we're primarily getting our fuel. And so this is what marvels me is that it's starting to explain that when we're primarily burning fuel, it's a good fuel source, primarily burning fat as fuel. It's a it's the best fuel source because it has more hydrogen, and particularly saturated fat has more protium than deuterium. That's what the mitochondria likes. That's what the mitochondria likes to use. And so I find this fascinating. It's starting to explain the whole dynamic around why intermittent fasting is working so well. I mean, obviously, there's other benefits to intermittent fasting. But ultimately, what it's doing is making the mitochondria get more efficient, through not clogging it up with deuterium carbohydrates, or deuterium-rich carbohydrates. So you're probably wanting to understand how does this relate to health beyond obesity. Well, our heart, for example, is rich. It has high amounts of mitochondria per myocardiocytes, which is the muscle, the heart muscle cell, the heart muscle cell is rich in mitochondria. And so if we're loading our body with carbohydrates, and in particular deuterium, high rates of deuterium, our myocardiocytes aren't working as effectively, and the heart begins to fail. And it's trying to use this deuterium-rich fuel, and it can't, it can't properly use it. And so what the what happens is that the body is then inefficient in terms of its operation, and hence why we have heart failure or arrhythmia because our heart doesn't have the energy it needs to operate. It's an energy-absorbing organ, right? It needs a lot of energy and guess what the other organ is, that is also rich in mitochondria. Think about thinking, Where does thinking come from? It's our brain, our brain. Our our neurons our nerve cells are rich in mitochondria. And so they also require a lot of fuel and they don't work well of deuterium because the mitochondria it doesn't allow the mitochondria to work efficiently. And so our brain is starved of good fuel and these neurons start to die off because they don't have the fuel to run, to function. And our myocardiocytes start to die. So you can see how heart disease and brain disease is so prevalent. And it comes down to this whole thing around deuterium, and carbohydrates. So with with carbohydrates, it's got its hydrated carbons, right? So it's got a lot of water with the carbons. And our body doesn't like this type of water, because it's deuterium rich. And the reason why the carbohydrates have a lot of this deuterium-rich water is either through ultra processing, through manufacturing, and then using deuterium water in the processing of these carbohydrates, these refined carbohydrates and also where the plant to stores its deuterium, because the plant also uses a process called photosynthesis, which is different to the you know, we essentially are doing a reverse process to photosynthesis in order to create energy, the plants are taking in carbon dioxide and water, right? And then sunlight combined with sunlight, and then they produce carbohydrates and an oxygen, right? So what happens is the plant also doesn't like deuterium. And what it does is push the deuterium to its energy stores, like we have fat stores, right? It pushes the deuterium to its energy stores, which are fruit and the bulbs you know the the bulb, the tubulars, right? They're potatoes, the sweet potatoes, the pumpkins, so the carrots, so these sort of root vegetables are rich in deuterium, because that's where the plant stores its deuterium because it doesn't want overindulgence of deuterium because it starts to create problems with its function. Same with us. So we push out excessive deuterium into fat stores in order to allow ourselves to keep running, but we're running depleted. And so the plants store it deuterium in these bulbular vegetables or tubular vegetables, the potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and fruit. And so it's really incredible, like, so if we eat those starchy vegetables, and that's why the starchy vegetables are demonised now. It's carbohydrate story, but now you understand why the carbohydrates are becoming so problematic to us is because we consume too much of it. And what I'm not saying is not to eat potatoes or not, I'm not saying you have to eliminate them from your diet, but the less you eat, and certainly if you've got any metabolic diseases, such as you've got type 2 diabetes, or you have any type of, you know, sugar, high sugar, high insulin, any of these types of metabolic diseases end up manifesting into type 2 diabetes. And it's interesting. What's interesting about that is they're calling Alzheimer's, like type 3 diabetes, because they're realising that it's a strong association with excessive carbohydrates as to why we predisposition to Alzheimer's or to dementia because of the excess carbohydrates which break down to glucose. So it's excessive amounts of glucose in the blood and the body not being able to process it properly because the mitochondria is can't cope with the overload of deuterium. If this won't work. It's too heavy. There's too much of it. And so yes, our body can cope with small amounts of deuterium. It struggles with excessive consumptions, that accumulation, that constant bombardment of We'll be back after a quick break.


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Anthony Hartcher:

loads of carbs, loads of fruit, and so it's not that you can't eat fruit but if fruit needs to be eaten in reals moderation, essentially. And same with the tubular vegetables - sweet potato, potato, carrots, beetroot, they all store deuterium. So they're all high in deuterium. Ah the other one that's also high in deuterium is chocolate. So that's concerning for me because I do love my chocolate. But again, it, it's moderation. So we need to, and particularly if you've got these metabolic diseases, that's when you really want to go low deuterium diet. And so what's the low deuterium diet, it's consuming less, a lot less carbohydrates, minimal carbohydrates to a point that you can get them to very low, and it's essentially getting into that ketosis, that state of ketosis. So that state of ketosis kicks in at around 20 grams of carbohydrates or less per day. So it's quite small amount of carbohydrates. And if you can, the more you can stay in ketosis, the more you're correct, or heal from your metabolic disease, because you start to allow the body to process the deuterium and to get rid of it. And how do we excrete deuterium, we excrete it through our metabolic waste processes. So through our urine, through the urea cycle, in uric acid, we also through our feces, so if we're regularly going to the toilet that helps, urinating helps, breathing, we do it through our breath, it's a way in which we can excrete it, as well as through sweat. So if we're regularly exercising, because getting a sweat up or doing saunas, this is part of the reason why saunas are so effective, is it helps us eliminate waste products, toxic products, heavy metals, such as heavy water. So it helps us push the heavy water out, we get the heavy water out through our breathing, we get it out through our doing our number twos and number ones. And so we want to make sure that is working well. And in order to make sure that works well, we need to exercise, we need to allow our system, our our lymphatic system to push the toxins out through these elimination pathways. And we do that, we drive the lymphatic system through exercise. So this is how it's all tying in. For example, during sleep, we flush out the toxins out of our brain. So that's really good to have a good night's sleep to get a clear out of the toxins in our brain. So we want to be having a good night's sleep, we want to be exercising, saunas are going to help this in terms of getting the sweat out. Exercising, helps get the sweat out. Also making sure that you're going to the the toilet, you're moving your bowels, because that's the way in which we get out deuterium. So what is good in terms of you know, like, so I've just mentioned the foods that are high in deuterium, such as the fruits, so minimise fruits, minimise root, tubular vegetables, and minimise chocolates and carbohydrates, any refined carbohydrates, a big no no. So bread, all these refined pastures, refined carbohydrates are high in deuterium, again, once you start to heal, your body will get more efficient. And by having a bit of more deuterium or introducing a bit more deuterium, your body will be able to process it, what we need to do is get the body system working and starting to get into eliminate deuterium by minimising the amount of deuterium coming in allowing it to process the deuterium that's in the body, such as we want to burn out fat when we want to eliminate the deuterium that was stored with the fat and we can do that by not bringing in more and more deuterium allows our body to cope with the levels that it's dealing with by minimising what's coming in allowing it to get rid of what's accumulated and excreted. And we can go through that elimination process and really bringing down the deuterium that has been accumulated in our bodies. So in terms of foods to eat, so what are the foods that are low in deuterium, saturated fats are low in deuterium, but what's really important is also the light story that's starting to play into this as well. So we want to eat foods that are local, locally grown grass-fed animal fat. So supporting your local farmers making sure their their livestock is roaming as much as it can or as it's got freewill to roam. And it's grass-fed that is then going to allow the animal to get rid of the deuterium from the grass for you. So you will have been consuming deuterium-depleted fuel, deuterium depleted or protium except essentially protium instead of deuterium in the water or as the hydrogen bound to the carbon chain, which, as you're probably aware, fat is a long carbon chain, glucose much shorter carbon chain and glucose has more water bound to it, fat obviously not, that water don't go together. So saturated fats that are grass-fed, that are local, localised, and it's the light picture. But I won't talk about light in this podcast I'll on another episode I'll start to talk more about light, but you can actually visit an episode I did with Nathan Siles, just recently, in December of 2023. If you go to that episode, he talks about the light story, and I'm actually going to invite him on to talk about deuterium. He's got a much better understanding of deuterium. I'm sharing what I know about deuterium, in terms of my knowledge, and what's going to be helpful for you. Obviously, I guess, Nathan will be able to fill in the gaps that I have in my knowledge. So what should you be consuming more of grass-fed animal fats, so ghee, butter, tallow, which is beef fat. So these types of fat then meats, eating the fat on the on the meat to these animals that are grass-fed, that's going to be helpful. So making sure and then I guess on top of that, you've got nuts and seeds in terms of plant so plant sources that are low in deuterium, nuts, seeds, what you want to avoid is the grains, eat nuts, seeds, animal fat grass-fed, meat that's grass-fed, marbleised, for example, wagyu beef, that's grass fed is good, that's good, deuterium depleted or too low in deuterium, minimal deuterium. And so start focusing your diet in these areas. And really reducing the amount of deuterium in your diet through eliminating or minimising carbohydrates. Water is the other thing, but you can get deuterium-depleted water that you can drink. However, it's super expensive, I'd focus more on the food, and then just drinking filtered water but minimise like not not drinking too much water not overdoing the water because obviously, water particularly if you're near the sea, that's quite high in deuterium, okay? If you're up in the mountains, that's got lower deuterium content, but close to sea level much higher deuterium. So hence, not overdo the water consumption hence why excessive water consumption is not good for us, because we're going to be bringing in more deuterium, we don't want to do that. We want to minimise it. So I wouldn't be too concerned about the water side of things, I'd focus more on the foods, eating more fats, proteins, and that being like so legumes, legumes are going to be high in deuterium. So minimising legumes. In terms of greens, you can eat anything green, because the chloroplast, which is equivalent, the plants equivalent to our mitochondria, the chloroplasts actually, and that's their higher their most concentrated in the green leafy parts of the plant because that's where the plant is absorbing the sunshine, right? In order to put the photosynthesis to take place. And what the chloroplasts do is obviously create energy that is deuterium depleted or water that deuterium depleted. And so the water that goes into the cytoplasm of the leaf, and it is low in deuterium, and what the plant does is in, take push the deuterium that are picked up from the water that it takes in into its fruit, or the root vegetables. And so what consumes these typically birds birds consume a lot of these, animals consume a lot of these and in terms of children, and teenagers, deuterium is okay, if you're growing, so can cope. I mean, obviously, your mitochondria is more efficient when you're younger. So that's the other factor. But the also the other factor is the amount of growth that's going on in development. So deuterium actually helps facilitate that. You know, deuterium is an energy source. It just we don't we can't process it well as we get older because our mitochondria becomes more and more inefficient as we age. And so with the young, yes, they can consume. So if you've got children or teenagers, okay for them to consume carbohydrates, it's as they pass that maturity of 25 years, that's when they want to start looking at reducing carbohydrate sources and increase fats and proteins, and green leafy vegetables. So broccoli, low in deuterium, the real high chlorophyll ones, which have a lot of chloroplasts. So that's the greenness, the greenness is the chlorophyll, right? So that's what you want to be eating. So kale is fantastic. Baby spinach, all those sorts of silverbeet. Those dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli are fantastic vegetables to consume, because they're low in deuterium. And again, that's going to have the folate that your body needs. But if you start to venture into eating more animal foods, which is going to be beneficial in order to improve your mitochondria function, then starting to look at the different organ meats, because you'll, you'll pick up different minerals and vitamins from those organ meats, which are going to be supportive of your diet. So start looking at the different organ meats of these grass-fed animals that need to be grass-fed animals, otherwise, they're not gonna they're going to be sick animals, and you don't want to be eating sick animals, they're going to have high amounts of deuterium in them. So so I hope this was really helpful in terms of providing some insight as to why the keto diet is so effective, and why it will be really effective in terms of correcting any metabolic diseases. Or if you just want to get more optimally well, more optimal wellness, then starting to look at this. So I've started to apply this. So I've cut right back on my fruit, I'm starting to increase my nuts, my nuts and seeds were fine, I had too much fruit consumption. So I'm really starting to cut back on the fruit consumption, I generally wasn't eating much carbohydrates, but I've really cut back on that, and I'm more focused, I wasn't eating much meat. So I'm going to increase my meat consumption this year of grass-fed animals and really start to note. So 2024 is going to be quite a shift for me, you can go along this journey with me. Join the me&my health up club, because this is where I'm going to be sharing more of my journey, and you can share your journey and we can start to share notes and learnings. And so go to the link and support the show in the link and supporting the show will give you access to the me&my health up club. And that's a exclusive club for the me&my health up listeners that we get more deeper into the insights and how you can optimise your health and well-being. So I suggest you go to the show notes, go to the link that says support the show at the bottom of the show notes that will take you to the me&my health up club. Join the me&my health up club, we'd love to have you part of my journey in 2024. Because I want that to take you on a journey because 2023 has been a great journey for me and my health. Because of the me&my health up. I've implemented a lot from what I've learned from the guests and from what I've taught myself through doing episodes myself, I obviously research each episode and my health has improved out of sight. So I'm looking to take it to another level in 2024 and take you on this journey with me so that you can optimise your health. Let's do it together. Why not? So just wanted to share that insight around deuterium. If you've got any questions, please email me If you can't find the link or whatever, please email me. If you've got some learning or some shares, please share that with me. Or if you want to learn more about this subject, please let me know and I'll we'll do some subsequent episodes on this subject. As I said, I'm going to get an expert Nathan Siles on this subject to fill in the gaps in my knowledge gaps to enhance your health and well-being and there's going to be a lot more around light next year, we're going to talk more about water and more about this quantum healing and optimising your well-being through what we're understanding around quantum healing. So look forward to healthing up with you in 2024. Thanks for tuning in to this insightful episode of me&my health up really appreciate your support and look forward to another big year around optimal health for all of us in 2024.

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This podcast and any information, advice, opinions, or statements within it do not constitute medical healthcare or professional advice and are provided for general information purposes only. All care is taken in the preparation of the information in this podcast. Connected Wellness Proprietary Limited operating under the brand "me&my health up" does not make any representations or give any warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness, or suitability for any particular purpose. This podcast and any information, advice, opinions, or statements within it are not to be used as a substitute for professional medical, psychological, psychiatric, or any other mental healthcare or healthcare in general. me&my health up recommends you seek the advice of a doctor or qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Inform your doctor of any changes that you make to your lifestyle and discuss these with your doctor. Do not disregard medical advice or delay visiting a medical professional because of something you hear in this podcast. This podcast has been carefully prepared on the basis of current information. Changes in circumstances after publication may affect the accuracy of this information. To the maximum extent permitted by the law, me&my health up disclaims any such representations or warranties to the completeness, accuracy, merchantability, or fitness for purpose of this podcast and will not be liable for any expenses, losses, damages incurred indirect or consequential damages or costs that may be incurred as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason. No part of this podcast can be reproduced, redistributed, published, copied, or duplicated in any form without prior permission of me&my health up.