me&my health up

Fats that HEAL Fats that KILL with Udo Erasmus

January 24, 2023 me&my wellness / Udo Erasmus Season 1 Episode 141
Fats that HEAL Fats that KILL with Udo Erasmus
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me&my health up
Fats that HEAL Fats that KILL with Udo Erasmus
Jan 24, 2023 Season 1 Episode 141
me&my wellness / Udo Erasmus

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How do we spark our metabolism and make our skin dewy and subtle to the touch?

Are you trying to lose weight and burn excess fats but still can’t lose any weight? Is your skin dry, and do you want it to be dewy?

In this new episode of me&my health up podcast, our guest speaker, an expert in the field of fats and an author who sold over 250,000 copies of this book, Udo Erasmus, will tackle excellent and bad fats, processing fats, what types of fats should we take in a day and what are the benefits of good fats in our bodies and how the bad fats affect it.

About Udo Erasmus

* Udo is the founder of Udo’s Choice Supplement company, a global leader in cutting-edge health products.
*  He obsessively studied scientific literature, created a method for making good oils with health in mind, developed the first ever flax seed oil, authored several books on the effects of oils on health: Fats and Oils; Fats That Heal Fats That Kill, Choosing the Right Fats, Omega 3 Cuisine, and enthusiastically educated the public in about 40 countries on the effects of oils on health and disease.
* In 1992, He developed healthy whole foods supplements for dogs, cats, and horses.
* In 1994, He developed an oil blend that is better balanced and more effective than flax oil.
* Udo had the pleasure and honor to grace the stages with luminaries like Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra, keynoted international conferences, and lectured at conferences on five continents.
* For 15 years, He spent six to nine months a year living out of a suitcase to spread the message of good oils and health.

Links mentioned in this podcast:

Udo’s Website:

Udo’s Choice Supplement company website:

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Any information, advice, opinions or statements within it do not constitute medical, health care or other professional advice, and are provided for general information purposes only. All care is taken in the preparation of the information in this Podcast. [Connected Wellness Pty Ltd] operating under the brand of “me&my health up” here for more

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How do we spark our metabolism and make our skin dewy and subtle to the touch?

Are you trying to lose weight and burn excess fats but still can’t lose any weight? Is your skin dry, and do you want it to be dewy?

In this new episode of me&my health up podcast, our guest speaker, an expert in the field of fats and an author who sold over 250,000 copies of this book, Udo Erasmus, will tackle excellent and bad fats, processing fats, what types of fats should we take in a day and what are the benefits of good fats in our bodies and how the bad fats affect it.

About Udo Erasmus

* Udo is the founder of Udo’s Choice Supplement company, a global leader in cutting-edge health products.
*  He obsessively studied scientific literature, created a method for making good oils with health in mind, developed the first ever flax seed oil, authored several books on the effects of oils on health: Fats and Oils; Fats That Heal Fats That Kill, Choosing the Right Fats, Omega 3 Cuisine, and enthusiastically educated the public in about 40 countries on the effects of oils on health and disease.
* In 1992, He developed healthy whole foods supplements for dogs, cats, and horses.
* In 1994, He developed an oil blend that is better balanced and more effective than flax oil.
* Udo had the pleasure and honor to grace the stages with luminaries like Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra, keynoted international conferences, and lectured at conferences on five continents.
* For 15 years, He spent six to nine months a year living out of a suitcase to spread the message of good oils and health.

Links mentioned in this podcast:

Udo’s Website:

Udo’s Choice Supplement company website:

Udo’s Instagram:
Follow for more tips

Udo’s Choice Official (Instagram) :

Udo’s Free Newsletter for sign-up link :

Udo’s Facebook:

Udo’s Youtube Channel:

Podcast Disclaimer
Any information, advice, opinions or statements within it do not constitute medical, health care or other professional advice, and are provided for general information purposes only. All care is taken in the preparation of the information in this Podcast. [Connected Wellness Pty Ltd] operating under the brand of “me&my health up” here for more

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Anthony Hartcher:

The year is drawing to a close a time for reflection. How is the year been for you? Did you achieve your aspirations or goals? If not, why? What if the same thing that stopped you in twenty-twenty two goes unresolved. I'm sure you don't want twenty- twenty three to end up the same as twenty-twenty two. If this is you, then I have something special to share. Join me Anthony Hartcher for the me&my resolution Solution Program, where I empower you with the wisdom to succeed and support you to make it happen. I will set you up for success and help you leave behind the baggage whilst holding you accountable throughout the year. If you're looking for success in twenty-twenty three, and want to find out more, click on the link in the show notes to book a chat with me, looking forward to chatting with you and helping you succeed in twenty-twenty three. Welcome back to another insightful episode of me&my health up. I'm your host, Anthony Hartcher. I'm a clinical nutritionist and lifestyle medicine specialist. The purpose of this podcast is to enhance and enlighten your well being. And today we have another special and other experts in the field of that yes, we're going to be talking about fats that heal fats the kill from the leading author who's sold over two hundred and fifty thousand copies of this book. And he's done extensive research in this area of fat and the processing of fats, and what's good, what's not good, and what types of fats what types of fats, you should eat more of how much you should eat off them, and what they do in terms of the benefits to the body. So if you want to spark your metabolism and get that, you know burning that fat burning happening in your body, then this is the episode to you. Or if you want skin that's not dry. This is also the episode for you. We interview Udo Erasmus so Udo's shared the stage with Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins to share his message in his field of expertise, which is in fats. So what without much further ado, I'd love to welcome you into the discussion I'm having with Udo Erasmus. Welcome on the me&my health up podcast show, Erasmus, how are you today?

Udo Erasmus:

I'm doing good. Thanks for, Thanks for bringing

Anthony Hartcher:

It's such a pleasure to have you on you have me on. such a reputation and a really credible reputation. So it certainly precedes you, in terms of the work that you have done over over your past forty years is incredible, really have driven home and educational message around fats, and the better fats and the not so good fats. And that's essentially what we're going to chat about more about today on this episode. But before we get into that, I'd love you to share your story as to how you have arrived at what you're doing today with listeners.

Udo Erasmus:

Well, the long story is I was born during the Second World War in Poland when it was part of Germany. And I was a refugee child. When I was two and a half. We were fleeing from the communists in tanks and trucks. And the allies, the good guys, were using us as target practice. We were on dirt roads, mothers with young children in horsedrawn, hay wagons. They were dead horses in the dead people in the ditches. And they were using air artillery to shoot us shoot at us and my mother went through the fields it was in winter, it was really cold. Because she couldn't, it was safer than the roads. And so she had six kids, four of us got left behind. Ended up in an orphanage. It's a long story eventually got reunited. But that was like early experience. And I It was awful then but it seems like a gift now because it made me think start thinking about things very early. You know, and when I was six years old i i was i listened to people argue and what they argued about was really trivial and it made me uneasy because the tone and the thought occurred to me there must be a way that people can live in harmony. And this little cocky voice from a six year old who doesn't know how complicated everything is. I'm going to find out how and so that's been my drive or pretty much all my life I went into science to find out how things work then into bioscience how creatures work, then into psychology how thinking works all in service to this quest And then into medicine to find out about health, but it was only about disease. And I went back into biochemistry and genetics. Because when you study biological sciences, you're actually studying health because you're looking at the normal functioning of normal creatures under normal circumstances. And so that's where I went. And then I got into health after I got poisoned by pesticides after my marriage broke up. And I wanted to kill something. So I sprayed pesticides very carelessly for three years got poisoned by them, went to the doctor said, What do you have for pesticide poisoning, she said nothing. And that day, it became really clear that my house is my responsibility. I sort of knew it, you know, but it became really clear. And then I went into the journalist, because I had the background, looked at health and nutrition, disease and nutrition, and didn't look at water and air, which is also important for health. But and then I ended up in fats, because that was the area that was so confusing. So I read a study that said Omega sixes, which are essential nutrients that you can't make, but have to have, that you require them for health was the study, right? And the next study, I read on omega sixes said, they give you cancer to kill, you know, I've gotten what I have to have for house and then I get cancer and die. You know, it's like, it's like, yeah, you know, God loves you. And if you see him, he kills you. Right? You know, it and I, and, and I, it just drove me nuts. And it forced me to look deeper into how oils are made. And it turns out, they're the most sensitive of all of our essential nutrients, they need the most care. They're damaged by light by oxygen by heat, we give them the least care. With Roman frying pans in a frying pan, you damage walls by light, oxygen, and heat all at the same time. And when I found that out, and that, that if you have a tablespoon of an oil that is one percent damaged by the processing, that is used to give a shelf life, long shelf life. There's fifth sixty quintillion damaged molecules in that tablespoon sixty quintillion, it's like more than a million damaged molecules for every cell in your body, every one of your body's sixty trillion cells. And I said, Oh my god, I can't get healthy on oils like that they shouldn't be made with health in mind. I'm gonna make oils with health in mind. And then I designed a way to make oils from the time they're in the seat through the pressing, and the filtering, and the settling and the filling, till they're in a brown glass bottle. Because plastic leeches into oil, you don't want that in your body, brown glass bottle, nitrogen flushed in a box to cut out the light in the refrigerator, in the factory in the factory. And in the store. And at home. Right? no light, no oxygen, no heat gets to damage to you. So we had to design a has to be a very, very tight system. And out of that can flaxseed oil. That was my first oil. But flaxseed oil is poorly balanced has a lot of Omega three but not enough Omega six, I became Omega sixty efficient and got dry eyes skipped heartbeats. Arthritis, like pain in my finger joints and thin papery skin, fixed it by eating sunflower seeds that only have omega sixes, and decide if we should make a blend that is better balanced. And so that's basically what happened out of my pesticide poisoning. And then I traveled around and been telling that story now. I've been at it now for over forty years. I'd be at forty countries, including Australia. Summer, I've been to Australia a few times. Yeah, awesome place.

Anthony Hartcher:

What an incredible story. Thanks for sharing that journey you've been on and sharing how you found the blessing in terms of what happened from an early age and how it's led you on a path to where you are today. So I really, really appreciate that. And at the time, when you're researching oils, the government was on a drive in terms of pushing a message to say that fats are bad for us, and, and essentially, you know, take fat out of foods. And this happened way back, you know, would have been around that forty or so years ago.

Udo Erasmus:

Nineteen seventy seven to Nineteen seventy nine, the McGovern report on nutrition and health and they built a food pyramid that had carbs at the bottom. So that's means that's what you should eat the most. Put the fats on top, that's what you should eat the least. And in Twenty years overweight went from twenty five to sixty percent of the population because most of the overweight comes from eating more carbs than you burn and forcing your body to turn them into fat. But they didn't say that and they never nobody said anything after Twenty years out they that's what happened. And they missed understood the oils, because it's not the oils that are bad, but the damage done to them by processing. But nobody told them that. So this is what happens when people don't do their homework, you know, then they come out with an idea or an ideology. And then they run everything through the ideology. And if the ideology is wrong, everything they run through, it ends up wrong. And then people do that, in lots of ways. Political politics is like that, too. Right. And so, but I don't want to go there. Right. But fundamentally, they had both areas wrong. One is that carbs are not the best fuel, because they make your blood sugar go up or down and insulin go up, down and mood go up and down. And then insulin drives them into the cells turns them into fat, then you have low blood sugar, now you get cravings. And your body's screaming at you eat or die. And then you eat more carbs. And by the time they're all digestive you eaten more, you get high blood sugar, again, that's called carb addiction, right. And carb addiction has been measured as four to eight times more stronger addiction than addiction to cocaine, and doesn't make sense because your survival depends on an energy source. When you use oils as your energy, if they're not damaged, and they're not toxic, you get stable energy, you get more energy, especially if they had how you have undamaged omega threes because they increase metabolic rate and oxygen metabolism. And they do it very well. They can also increase thermogenesis if you eat them in a weather where it's in a climate where it's cold, they keep you warm in winter, and they are the highest energy fuel of any fuel. And they turn on fat burning in the body, genetically, and they turn off fat production. And so what I say to people is do a fuel shift, lower your carbs make good oils, your best your your your main fuel. And, and then we measured it in athletes, and found out that if they did their sport to exhaustion, and we did all kinds of different endurance and strength sports. If you do your sport to exhaustion, we start we had them do that before they started taking the oil. Then they started taking the oil, a tablespoon fifteen milliliters, US tablespoons fifteen milliliters per fifty pounds or twenty five kilograms of body weight per day mixed in food intake spread out over the course of the day. And within thirty days, on average, they had forty to sixty percent increase in their performance thirty days in thirty days, there is no training program that gets you that. And it's just because you're giving your body the best fuel that keeps your fats burning that I call the Omega threes the fat burning Firestarter. Right? Because that's what they do. That's one of the things they

Anthony Hartcher:

do. Yeah, so I was just going to get into I guess the fats that heal which and the fats that kill. So that's the title of your book that sold over a quarter of a million copies worldwide. So I'm really keen for the listeners to understand, well, first of all, let's start with the fats that heal because you've mentioned Omega six and Omega three and the benefits of taking them. So just elaborate a bit more on the healing benefits of Omega six and three. Again, let's get into the food sources of Omega sixes and threes and then we'll switch to the fats that kill.

Udo Erasmus:

Yeah, just give them to me one at a time. Okay, so So omega three and Omega six. First of all, they're essential nutrients. And essential has a very specific definition this is these are nutrients that you have to have to live in, be healthy, but your body can't make them from anything else. You therefore have to get them from outside. And we depend on plants to make them because plants can make them from scratch and we can't make so we depend on plants to supply those. Okay? Nope, that's number one. Number two, if you don't get enough, you can't stay healthy, your health will deteriorate, the deterioration will get worse with time. And if you don't get enough, long enough, you die. That's how important they are. These are the fundamental essential building blocks for body construction. Number three, this is the good news. If you're going down because you're not getting enough, and you bring the missing essential nutrients back into the diet, then all the problems that come from not getting enough are reversed. Because life knows how to make a body that works. Provided we take responsibility here at our mouth, to make sure that all of the essential building blocks land in the body in adequate quantities for life to be able to do that job. And that definition applies to eighty minerals, thirteen vitamins, nine essential amino acids that come from proteins and two essential fatty acids that come from fat. Okay, that's what essentially means. The only thing from fats and oils that is essential is omega three and Omega six. Omega three is called alpha linolenic acid. Omega six is called linoleic acid. In our intake, we all get pretty much everybody gets enough linoleic acid Omega six, but in a partially damaged form. And 99% of the population does not get enough Omega three for optimum health. So we have to do two things in in our fat intake, we need to switch out the damaged Omega sixes for omega sixes undamaged, made with health in mind. And we need to bring in the missing omega threes also made with health in mind. That's what we need to do. Where did they come from? Omega six, flax is the richest source. But the balance between omega three and six which is also important is is not good in flax, poor balance, I became Omega six deficient on flax oil. Got dry, I skipped heartbeats arthritis, like pain and finger joints. It's in papery skin. I already told you that. Right? So flax is the richest source of Omega three and pretty much all seeds and nuts have omega six in them. So omega six deficiency is only happens on people when they go on loaf really low fat or no fat diets. And they could literally kill themselves on a no fat diet. If they stay on a no fat diet long enough you die. Because you're not getting either one of the two essential fatty acids, you have to have those. Everything else is optional from fats, everything else. You can have saturated fats, your people say saturated fats are bad, because they make your platelets more sticky. So they head you towards heart attack, stroke embolism or, and they make you more insulin resistant. So they head you towards diabetes. But the Omega threes that are missing for most people's diet make you more insulin sensitive. So they take you away from diabetes. And they make your platelets less sticky. So they take you away from stroke, heart attack and embolism. So actually, saturated fats are not the problem. Omega three deficiency is the problem here. And when you optimize your omega threes, you can eat saturated fats and not be too worried about it. Right? So sources, seeds, nuts, seeds, or nuts are the richest sources. Soybeans are eighteen percent Fat grains for two to four percent. Most beans and lentils, but four percent and then fruits and vegetables zero point one percent. So everything has some fat in it. But seeds and nuts are usually the sources from which oils are made. And then soybeans.

Anthony Hartcher:

And through your research, what have you found in terms of that optimal daily dose of Omega three? For good health?

Udo Erasmus:

Yeah, what we find a tablespoon per Fifty pounds of body weight per day. So that's for most people, and this is us tablespoons, Fifteen milliliters. So two to four milliliters Fifty milliliter tablespoons a day mixed in foods spread out over the course of the day. You know, because most people weigh between one hundred two to one hundred pounds. Okay, you mix it with food, spread it out over the course of the day, you do not want to use it for frying if it's made with health in mind, because Frying is the worst thing we do to oils. It's a dumbest thing we ever invented. And I know we're going to get into that in a second. So and they are literally compatible with any food. So you can put them on on on salads and you can put them on fruit. And you can put them on steamed vegetables, you can put them in soup. You can I mean they literally go on a breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, shakes, smoothies, goes with everything with one caveat. If you put them if put oils in starchy foods, you might put on a little weight, you're going to blame the oil, but it's actually the starch that is the problem. So when so instead of putting them on starchy foods, lower your starching take and put them on the other foods. And that's called the I call that a fuel switch, not a fuel addition but a fuel switch, switch and make make good oils, your prime source of fuel rather than carbohydrates. So I'm turning the food pyramid upside down. Not actually the Greens should be on the bottom of the food pyramid. But oil should be made with health in mind. And when they made that food pyramid by the way they they didn't. They blamed fats or oils. They blamed it on what should have been blamed on processing on the damage done by processing. That's what made the oils bad. So they need to be made with health advice and that's why I go out into, oh my god, we need to make oils with health environment. So that's, I think that sort of covers these, what we need from oils, what's good.

Anthony Hartcher:

And in terms of the, you know, like the dry weight equivalents of seeds and nuts that you'd need to have in order to match that sort of one hundred to two hundred meals of the, you know, the Omega three oil, do you know roughly how much the dry weight would be?

Udo Erasmus:

Yeah, yes or no, because seeds and nuts vary and how much oil they contain anywhere from fifteen to sixty, or even sixty five percent of a seed or not, will be oil. And then each each seed and nut has a different fatty acid profile in of its oil. So it gets complicated, but you could do is and I found, because somebody asked me, why don't we just get it from Whole Foods, because that's nature and nature, you know, is what makes us optimally healthy? Well, nature's mandate is not optimal health. nature wants you healthy enough to grow up, to reproduce, to look after your kids till the kids don't need you anymore. By that time, you might only be forty or fifty years old. And when the kids don't need you anymore, Nature doesn't need you anymore, either. So then it's recycling time. And do it's quicker to recycle someone who's not in optimum in optimal health than it is to recycle someone who's optimally healthy. So nature's mandate is not optimal health. Okay, that's interesting. So because so I what I did, because I wanted to test it, because I didn't know I took five tablespoons of flax, and three tablespoons of sesame and sunflower seed, that gives me about the ratio that I want that that is the two to one ratio, that we use more omega three than omega six. And even in summer, when I need less oil than in winter, I could not keep my skin from drying up, we use skin as a measuring tool in Australia, that would be very easy because it's pretty dry. And you get drier skin in the desert than in the tropics. You know, it shows up more. If your skin is dry, you need more of the right kind of oil because omega three and six together form a barrier in the skin that gets the loss of moisture. And fit skin gets the last and loses. And first. That's why we use skin as they're measuring. And everybody's got skin so everybody can figure it out. It's not complicated. In winter, I use four tablespoons sixty milligram milliliters, and in summer two or three, so thirty to forty-five. In winter more of that oil is burned for energy. It's it's called a warming oil, because it actually increases thermogenesis. And so in winter that it keeps me warm I used to, I used to be very cold sensitive, until I started using learning what I learned about oils and started making oils and using them. And now I can walk around in my shorts in winter. And with a T shirt. And you know, I feel the cold but it's not biting like it used to be. And that's because the body adjusts, and I just get hotter. Right, so and then trying to get figured out so I can't get enough for optimum from seeds and nuts alone. Eat the seeds and nuts. And for some people, they might be able to do it with that. If your skin is still dry, then use oil on top of that, because seeds and nuts are definitely good food, I highly recommend them as part of the food program.

Anthony Hartcher:

Fantastic now, thanks for thanks for sharing that insight around optimal health and what nature would like and the difference there and how it's, it's in the person's best interest to seek optimal health to live a longer, healthier life that might be different to what nature would like in terms of the recycling of

Udo Erasmus:

Yeah, it means you can't it means you can't just do it. Yeah, you know, you can't just drift into optimal health.

Anthony Hartcher:

Absolutely. You got to be proactive. Yeah, yeah. And that's what, that's what you realize when obviously, you experienced that poisoning or the Yeah,

Udo Erasmus:

yeah. The other thing I knew about it to say, you know, your body is a major construction site. It's always turning over. In fact, in one year, Ninety eight percent of the atoms in your body are removed and replaced. So that means almost all of you is gone in a year, right? So then if you raise your standard, you know, because you don't feel so good, or you're sick or you have something right. So you raise your standard, closer to fresh, whole raw, organic, and probably more plant based for humans. So you raise the standard within one year, you will have rebuilt ninety eight percent to your body of your body to a higher standard. Wow. That's why healing is possible. Because the body's always turning over. So you get raised the standard, better life. Right and that's true in other other arenas as well. Right? raise the standard, better life.

Anthony Hartcher:

Absolutely one hundred percent. And yeah, we're going to now get into the fats that kill. So you've spoken a lot about processing, but any other insight that you can share?

Udo Erasmus:

Yeah, so first one worst thing we ever do. Worst thing we have ever invented to do to our food is fry them. When you fry foods, it is the dumbest thing we've ever invented in two hundred thousand years, or however long we've been here from the perspective of health, because you put oils in the frying pan, and then you damage them with light, oxygen, heat all at the same time. You burn your food. And the research says when you burn carbs, or you burn protein, or you burn oils, each one independent of the others, increases inflammation, and increases risk of cancer. Frying is the dumbest thing we've ever learned to do to our foods. And oils are the most sensitive foods. So the most damage is done to us. You know, you throw oil in a frying pan and you wait till it turns into smoke. Right? Well, you know, smoke is carcinogenic. And there's research that has shown that cooks who spent eight hours in front of their frying pan on their job, have four times four hundred percent Higher lung cancer than people at home who only spent two hours in front of stripe cooking their food for the family. Right. Obviously a dumb thing to do. So get your frying pan or whatever you call it, whatever you fry and get it out, turn it upside down, hit yourself at the side of the head with it really hard. So it's associated with pain and throw that stupid thing out if health you know as a step to improving your health. Now, I had arthritis in my knees when I was thirty eight. And it wasn't really severe. But if I bend my knees a little bit, put a little pressure on my knees. They hurt. I turned eighty this year. So I'm a bona fide member of the old Coots club. And I have zero pain in any of my joints. And I don't have swollen joints. And I don't have all of that inflammation stuff that goes with arthritis and rheumatic diseases. Zero at eighty. What did I do, through my frying pan add I don't eat fried foods, but I've gone further than that. I also eat mostly raw, like a lot of blood raw and mostly plant based. And I use spices like turmeric and garlic. You know, you want social distancing, distancing, eat garlic, soy, garlic, and then black seed and cinnamon, cayenne. So I use some of the strong spices. And they are many of them antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, anti cancer, anti cardio, anti diabeetus, anti oxidant, anti inflammatory. I don't know if I missed any antes. But they have them all. I mean, literally these are these are things from nature, that nature made that are unbelievably helpful to us in terms of health. And that's because what they do is, you know, the fuels are fire, you eat them for energy, right and your life, your vitality is a fire in your body. But you want to have a good fire because you want to have juice, right? But you have a good fire, you're gonna have sparks, and then the sparks fly out, you know, and in a fireplace, you know, they, they would fly out and burn a hole in your carpet. So we got a screen in front of the fire. Well, if we have a good fire, we need spark control to an anti inflammatory and antioxidant and the spices that I just talked about our spark control. So you get a good fire and you get spark control. And then you don't have inflammation. And you know, and if you don't like if you make white sugar, white flour, white oils, the way industry makes the oils. What they've done is they've taken a food that has fire in it because these are fuel foods and has its own spark control like in cane and sugar beets and grains and seeds and nuts. They have antioxidants that they make for their protection. Well they take all that out. So now you get fire. No spark control. It's like you just took the screen away from the fireplace and the fire and the sparks fly out burn holes in your carpet and we call that inflammation like flame right in flame ation. Right. So So Don't do that. You eat whole foods. That was nature standard fresh, whole, whole, whole, whole, whole, raw, organic, no pesticides, no junk in them, no processing stuff, right? Frying is number one. Number two was the trans fats. They're still around. I don't know how it is in Australia. But now they have to be put on the label, they did not need to be put on the label for almost one hundred years. And they they have been shown to double risk of heart attack increased diabeetus interfere with pregnancy in both male and female animals, we have never done human studies on those. And they industry put them in the food supply, without any responsibility for the consequences. And finally, Harvard School of Public Health blew the whistle on them. And now over the surge, like really just until now. So they started in, I think two thousand six. So it's taken about twelve years to remove them and make sure that they have to be put on on the labels, but they're people who still use them. If they don't have to put labels on their food, they still use it, like an airplane food, you don't have a little panel that says what's in there, it still put them in there. Right. So that's number two. Number three is the cooking oils, or the cooking salad. Culinary oils that are colorless, odorless, tasteless, in plastic bottles, that's what most people use, they have been damaged a half to one percent, maybe more. But at least after one percent, they get you a million more than a million damaged molecules for every one of your body sixty trillion cells in a tablespoon. And you use maybe two to four tablespoons a day. And if you fry them, you got to multiply that in by three to six times. And then you do that for thirty years. So you got to multiply that number by another ten - eleven thousand Almost. So you have an enormous amount of damaged, unnatural molecules that you putting in your body, and they go somewhere in your body and wherever they go, they can't do the job of what's supposed to be there. And they interfere with what's supposed to be happening. Right. So that's number three. Number four is the saturated fats. And those are only a problem if you're Omega three deficient. So those are the the so called fats to kill.

Anthony Hartcher:

And I was just thinking, as you're sharing there, as that you mentioned, you know, the number one, which was the frying, the rise of frying really became you know, proliferate throughout Western society was at the same time as the rise of takeaway foods. And that whole takeaway fast food industry, so you've got the government pushing low fat, then you've got these takeaway producers that are have pretty much 123 and four in terms of what you said, avoid? Yes. And the rising consumerism around takeaways is happening at the same time. And as you mentioned, at the start of the episode, you've got this rising number of cases of cardio metabolic diseases, metabolic diseases, obesity, type two diabetes, there. So it's incredible to see how this is all transpired based on and you're out there at the same time promoting the, you know, the fats that heal the fats that kill. And it's finally the, you know, the media sort of turn to listening to you after, you know, finally, after all these days and barely,

Udo Erasmus:

barely. But the other thing is to you know, it wasn't just the takeout food, take away foods, as you call them. We can't take out, you take them away, we take them out, right. But also the industry wanted to make sell more oil, and people used to use cooking, like water for cooking. You know, I'm eighty I turned eighty This year, right? So I was around when that started to happen. So we cooked our food and water we'd had if we had meat or steak, we'd throw it in the stew with vegetables and spices and cook it in water. And it would it wouldn't turn black. It wouldn't get smoked. It tasted great. Right? It's people don't even know that any more. See what you want to boil your steak. Yeah, that's what I want to do, because it's better. Right? So and then what the industry said, Oh my god, they use water for cooking. What if we could use them to use? What if we could get them to use oil for cooking? Oh my god, we would set you could you could almost imagine the meeting in the boardroom, right? Oh my god, we're gonna make so much money. Oh my god. And that's what happened. They then promoted cooking as a faster method to my parents, your grandparents or great grandparents or whatever, right? They promoted that. And in those days, people basically were pretty trusting and they say, oh, you know, industry would never tell us to do anything that was good for us. So, now if I tell you guys like you that you probably laugh your ass off, right? Yeah, ha ha. So much has been exposed where people have lied and for the sake of profits of money, have lied to people and caused problems that's being exposed more and more. In those days, people trusted industry, they would never tell us to do something that wasn't good for us. So then we learned the habit of trying, from our parents with Mother Love. And now we got to separate the mother love to keep and the frying to get rid of, for help from a health perspective. Right. So that happened to and that gradually literally took over. And it ain't just Europe, I traveled everywhere. They fry everywhere. Agents, fry everything, you know, in everywhere, everywhere, Europe, North America, South America, fry, fry, fry, fry, fry. So the industry has been very successful. And of course, it's like one hundred billion dollar a year industry. So it's a big industry, converting people from cooking and water to cooking and oil. And what I say to people is when if you want to be healthy, get your oils made with health in mind, don't buy the damaged oils, don't try your foods, go back to cooking and water. And then when your food is cooked, you can drink the water. Sometimes there's minerals in it, that's good. But then drain the water off the food and then add oil after the food has come off the fire off after it's come off the heat source. You can put it in a hot soup when steamed vegetables compatible with everything and enhances flavors and improves the absorption of oil soluble nutrients many of which have super important health.

Anthony Hartcher:

Fantastic insight there Udo like I had, I was totally unaware of that transition between, you know, boiling steak. I mean, I sort of I have heard of it. But I thought Yeah, seems weird, you know? Because like I grew up where you just fried. And that's,

Udo Erasmus:

that's why you have to listen to old guys. Yeah, works around when the dinosaurs we're still here. Yeah.

Anthony Hartcher:

Well, I've offered telling my clients that, you know, to get back to more traditional eating, and particularly if they're immigrants from you know, from overseas that get back to what your ancestors ate, and how they used to eat. And yeah, and so that's what you're pretty much sharing today is

Udo Erasmus:

what I'm, yep, that's pretty much what I'm saying. I mean, you could sprout it or you can, you know, sprouting is probably better than cooking in water. If you cook in water, you destroy enzymes and probiotics that are in and on the food. So then you need to take supplements of probiotics and Digestive Enzymes To Take a load off your immune system and to to stay in the natural state because in the natural state, you got those from the raw foods. Right? So that's also so yeah, you know, nature's mandate, fresh, whole raw, organic. You got to look at that, as that's got to be a standard. And you may not there, start where you are, walk in that direction. Every step you take in that direction will get to improvement and health and every step you take away from it will cost you something.

Anthony Hartcher:

Wow. That's incredible words. And you can tell that you're a living example of exactly what you've just shared. Because if you no look, I had no idea that you're at and you look so vital and incredibly healthy.

Udo Erasmus:

Yeah, somebody told me the other day I sound like I'm forty years old.

Anthony Hartcher:

Yeah, absolutely. But you have the vitality of a forty year you're probably more arcade. You're more vital, more energetic.

Udo Erasmus:

last guy to get last guy guess my age thought I was sixty two.

Anthony Hartcher:

Wow. Yeah. Now you look amazing. And you really walk the talk, which is absolutely inspirational. I really wanted to just touch on because I know the listeners will be thinking this you talked about I think it was point number four, three. Now it's for actually cooking oils in three, three. Okay. And what are the cooking oils, if you could just give the listeners some insight as to why they should. Well,

Udo Erasmus:

the cooking oils is pretty much everything you find on the shelf other than extra virgin olive oil. So they're colorless, odorless, tasteless oils, they come from all kinds of different things safflower sunflower corn, peanuts, sesame, grape seed, avocado, soy, soybean oil, canola oil, right? So they're all of those oils, and they're in plastic bottles. And the problem with plastic is it swells when you put oil in it. And then when it swells, then ingredients in the plastic, go into the oil because there's a whole bunch of other ingredients and plastic not just not just polyethylene or whatever, whatever. Right? So so you get stuff from plastics leaching into oils. And that doesn't belong in your body. Because that interferes too, because plastic is is not something that your body has enzymes to break down. And so that's a problem and then they're sitting in the light. And some of the stores have light on twenty four seven. And so light is hitting the oil creating free radicals that cause chain reactions and damaging the oil while it's sitting on the shelf.

Anthony Hartcher:

And this is put off frying this is before they fry it.

Udo Erasmus:

They had Well no, they fried it already. Anyway, in deodorisation, the oil gets heated to Frank temperature. So those oils are already fried, and then they're getting fried by light. Okay? Over time, right? That's why we go in glass, dark glass box around the bottle, right. And then nitrogen flushed everybody nitrogen flushes that keeps no oxygen no rancidity. And then never use it for frying added to food after they come off the heat. Never ever, ever, ever use ludos Oil for frying ever. And if I came and saw you do that I would spank your butt. Because because the better than oil is for you, the worse it becomes when you fry it. So saturated fats hard fats are actually safer for frying than oils. But they still burn the food. And so you still get more more inflammation and higher risk of cancer. Right. But they're not damaged as much because they're more stable, and therefore more resistant to damage by light, oxygen and heat. Omega threes are the worst. And there's a difference in sensitivity to damage from saturated fats at one, two fish oils at one hundred over one hundred fifty times more sensitive to damage such as saturated fats. So so maybe if you can't stop frying right away, stop frying with oils, fry in coconut or something like that. Right? But you got to make sure you get the Omega threes and sixes otherwise the saturated fats are going to hurt you. Right? And then go so go to saturated fats and then go to water and then go to raw. But you want to head in that direction. And don't take longer than your lifespan to get there.

Anthony Hartcher:

Absolutely. Otherwise I won't be looking like you at ad

Udo Erasmus:

I get off here. You gotta gotta get off here. You know what? Get off your butt.

Anthony Hartcher:

I'd love for you to share with listeners in terms of how they can best connect with you. How can they find the Udo products? How can they find your book in terms of fats that heal fats the kill? Please share?

Udo Erasmus:

Yeah, such that heal fats are killed, you could just go on on well, you can go on my website, which is very easy. Kudos, choice U D, or s And I do other things too, that have to do more with health and the rest of human nature. At Udo You probably have it in the show notes so they know how to spell that one. I'm on Facebook, I'm on Instagram, I have a YouTube channel. Under Udo Erasmus, I'm not hard to find. And in the UK, and in Australia, or wherever you are, it's sold in health food stores, you find it in the fridge and health food stores in a brown glass bottle in a box in the fridge in the supplement section and health food stores. That's the needle in the haystack description. And yeah, and I work with digestive enzymes and probiotics as well. You can see all of that on That's the website where we talk about the products and why we made them like that, how we made it.

Anthony Hartcher:

And I'll include those all those links that Udo shared in the show notes, his social media links, his website links, so you can go directly to the show notes and click on those links to find the products, the book and all the education that he shares on his various profiles. So before we conclude, where did you come to in terms of that quest for harmony that you mentioned at the start as a little boy, you had this search and quest for harmony? What have you arrived?

Udo Erasmus:

Oh, we're going to do another show on that one. Okay, okay. That's a that's going to be a completely different show. Because I can't I can't do it justice in. We're already almost an hour into it here. Yeah, right. I can't do that. Justice. So let's do it as a separate thing. Okay. And then we'll, we'll lay it out. It's beautiful.

Anthony Hartcher:

It is fantastic.

Udo Erasmus:

But the short answer is, I actually found it and, and it's made awesome difference to my War baby life. Wow. Because I don't operate like a war baby. Some people do all their lives is it's it's traumatic. It's pretty, pretty seriously traumatic. But there's something in us that is never traumatized cannot be traumatized. And when we can find that place in us, the quality of life completely changes, everything starts to fall into place. And it's not a testing, it's about experience. Wow. Yeah. So you want to do another one? Let's do another one.

Anthony Hartcher:

Absolutely. So listen, this state Stay tuned for part two with Udo Erasmus, and we're gonna be talking about harmony and his quest for harmony. So that will be another insightful episode, I really appreciate the insight you shared today, with Udo, I've learned an incredible amount. So it's just you've really spelt it out so loud and clear, that I really gonna do my best to get it out to as many people as possible.

Udo Erasmus:

Thank you. Because Thank you, and I'll help you.

Anthony Hartcher:

Absolutely, if I'm not totally aligned with your quest and your mission, and I will do everything humanly possible to get the information out there. And to start driving, people are helping steer them steer them in the direction of optimal health.

Udo Erasmus:

That's, that's the goal. And there's only eight billion people so it's a small job.

Anthony Hartcher:

Absolutely. But as a team, as you said, we'll get there. We'll get there.

Udo Erasmus:

Yeah, you're not telling them what to do. And it's so

Anthony Hartcher:

absolutely. Oh, we gotta

Udo Erasmus:

get on. Sure. You were under pressure to go there. This is all good.

Anthony Hartcher:

Yeah, absolutely. I'm gonna join your bandwagon and get on board and certainly spread this far and wide. And to the listeners really appreciate you tuning in to another insightful episode of me&my health up. Stay tuned for part two with Udo Erasmus. It's going to be incredible.

Udo Erasmus:

I hope it was helpful to you.

Anthony Hartcher:

Absolutely. And I can guarantee the listeners will share that feedback. So thank you Udo Erasmus very much.

Udo Erasmus:

right, thank you, thank you.

Anthony Hartcher:

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