me&my health up

Easy Steps to Increasing your Self-Confidence

October 04, 2022 me&my wellness / Bryce Henson Season 1 Episode 122
Easy Steps to Increasing your Self-Confidence
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me&my health up
Easy Steps to Increasing your Self-Confidence
Oct 04, 2022 Season 1 Episode 122
me&my wellness / Bryce Henson

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Struggling with Self-Confidence?

Then this episode of me&my health up is for you! We discuss Easy Steps to Increasing Self-Confidence with Bryce Henson - CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp. We cover:

  • How to build self-confidence through healthy habits
  • Flow on effects of being fit
  • Common misconceptions around weight loss
  • and more!

Bryce Henson's bio

Bryce Henson is CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, the world’s fastest-growing fitness boot camp franchise.

Having nearly 15 years of experience in the fitness industry and owning his own Fit Body location in Mission Viejo, California with his wife Tatiana, Bryce’s passion is spreading fitness to the world. This is in addition to mentoring fitness professionals on how to grow their businesses and change more lives in their local communities. He is committed to inspiring and educating audiences on how to improve their lives by improving their fitness.

Through Fit Body Boot Camp’s World Wide Transformation Challenges, Bryce has overseen their global clients lose nearly a million pounds of weight loss. And more importantly is helping offset the obesity pandemic and provide more health and life to his following.

Bryce also co-leads Fit Body Mastermind Group, an exclusive coaching group for high performing fitness professionals.

Bryce was born in Atlanta, Georgia, grew up in Michigan and has spent most of his adult life in California. He is a graduate of Michigan State University and speaks Brazilian Portuguese fluently, having lived in Florianopolis, Brazil. He holds citizenship in the United States and Portugal. He enjoys world travel and is a fitness expert, coach, author, and inspirational leader.

About me&my Health Up & Host

me&my Health Up
seeks to enhance and enlighten the wellbeing of others. Host Anthony Hartcher is the CEO of me&my wellness which provides holistic health solutions using food is medicine, combined with a holistic, balanced, lifestyle approach. Anthony holds three bachelor's degrees in Complementary Medicine; Nutrition and Dietetic Medicine; and Chemical Engineering.


Podcast editing: WE EDIT PODCASTS

Podcast Disclaimer
Any information, advice, opinions or statements within it do not constitute medical, health care or other professional advice, and are provided for general information purposes only. All care is taken in the preparation of the information in this Podcast. [Connected Wellness Pty Ltd] operating under the brand of “me&my health up” here for more

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Struggling with Self-Confidence?

Then this episode of me&my health up is for you! We discuss Easy Steps to Increasing Self-Confidence with Bryce Henson - CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp. We cover:

  • How to build self-confidence through healthy habits
  • Flow on effects of being fit
  • Common misconceptions around weight loss
  • and more!

Bryce Henson's bio

Bryce Henson is CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, the world’s fastest-growing fitness boot camp franchise.

Having nearly 15 years of experience in the fitness industry and owning his own Fit Body location in Mission Viejo, California with his wife Tatiana, Bryce’s passion is spreading fitness to the world. This is in addition to mentoring fitness professionals on how to grow their businesses and change more lives in their local communities. He is committed to inspiring and educating audiences on how to improve their lives by improving their fitness.

Through Fit Body Boot Camp’s World Wide Transformation Challenges, Bryce has overseen their global clients lose nearly a million pounds of weight loss. And more importantly is helping offset the obesity pandemic and provide more health and life to his following.

Bryce also co-leads Fit Body Mastermind Group, an exclusive coaching group for high performing fitness professionals.

Bryce was born in Atlanta, Georgia, grew up in Michigan and has spent most of his adult life in California. He is a graduate of Michigan State University and speaks Brazilian Portuguese fluently, having lived in Florianopolis, Brazil. He holds citizenship in the United States and Portugal. He enjoys world travel and is a fitness expert, coach, author, and inspirational leader.

About me&my Health Up & Host

me&my Health Up
seeks to enhance and enlighten the wellbeing of others. Host Anthony Hartcher is the CEO of me&my wellness which provides holistic health solutions using food is medicine, combined with a holistic, balanced, lifestyle approach. Anthony holds three bachelor's degrees in Complementary Medicine; Nutrition and Dietetic Medicine; and Chemical Engineering.


Podcast editing: WE EDIT PODCASTS

Podcast Disclaimer
Any information, advice, opinions or statements within it do not constitute medical, health care or other professional advice, and are provided for general information purposes only. All care is taken in the preparation of the information in this Podcast. [Connected Wellness Pty Ltd] operating under the brand of “me&my health up” here for more

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Bryce Henson:

Like I met for something more you would not be tuned in to Anthony's awesome podcast if you didn't want to better your life. So I'm here to say yes, there's probably a million reasons why valid reasons that you have obstacles in your way the kids the school, the work, I mean, all that is true. But at the end of the day, that's not what's going to get you to your goal if you use them as excuses, so be like likely just do it Start small and ultimately, you'll end big.

Anthony Hartcher:

That was Bryce Henson, the CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, the world's fastest growing fitness boot camp franchise, and you've landed on me and my health up I'm your host, Anthony Hartcher. I'm a clinical nutritionist and lifestyle medicine specialist. The purpose of this podcast is to enhance and enlighten your well being. And today, Bryce Henson will be doing that just for you. He has over 15 years of experience in the fitness industry, and owning to fit body locations. His passion is spreading fitness to the world. Through the Fit Body Boot Camps worldwide transformation challenges. Bryce has overseen their global clients lose nearly a million pounds of weight loss. And more importantly, he is helping offset the obesity pandemic and provide more health and life to his following. Bryce enjoys world travel and is a fitness expert, coach, author, and inspirational leader. So without much further ado, I'd love to welcome you into the discussion I'm having with Bryce Henson. Welcome, Bryce Henson on the me and my health up podcast show. So great to have you on. How are you today?

Bryce Henson:

Anthony, thank you so much. I'm doing fantastic. And I really appreciate you having me on.

Anthony Hartcher:

You're very welcome. And I look forward to listening or learning about how you empower your clients in terms of taking the easiest steps to increasing self confidence, because that's today's episode. So really keen to get into that. But before we do that, I'd really like to, for you to share your backstory of how you've arrived at what you're doing today.

Bryce Henson:

Yeah, great question. Well, I know your audiences spread out between, you know, the US, Australia but kind of give us the insight to my path here in the US. Originally, I come from the Midwest part of the United States of a state called Michigan which is about a two hour flight inward from New York. And something about the Midwestern United States great place amazing salt of the earth people, but not the fitness capital of the world. So I grew up as athletic background, but really towards my teenage and early adult years going through university fitness was not a huge part of my life. So it's really serendipitous. I'm the CEO of an international fitness franchise and honestly, fast food was the staple of my diet for a long period of time. And fitness was not my forte In fact, I graduated university about 20 pounds of body fat overweight about very little muscle frame on my body at that period of time. I got a job offer in Los Angeles, California, and I'm sure your viewers are familiar with Southern California at least know about it, the palm trees the blue skies, the beaches all the LA has to offer so is it super excited to move there, but also la can be the plastic capital of the world so 21 years old, very little professional experience and not in shape, you know, homesick not a lot of friend community at that point in my life and being honest with you. unpeeling the onion Anthony, I didn't have fitness in my life. And I live that way for a couple years and more dark days than good but fortuitous situation happened to me a good buddy from university moved out to Southern California, we decided to live together. And something about Adam was his name was my first fitness mentor. He had the six pack abs, the glistening muscles, the confidence, the energy, the enthusiasm, I certainly looked up to that. And embarrassing to admit, it took me a couple months to finally mustered up enough courage to say, Hey, Adam, can you show me a little about this fitness thing, and I'm so glad that he did. And he actually got my 12 week commitment on the front end to make sure that I was serious. And ultimately, over the next two years, but really hyper focused over the period of six months, he introduced me to circuit training to lifting weights to clean nutrition, but most importantly, coaching and accountability because I would love to look you in the eye Anthony and dear viewers and say I would have done it by myself. But I certainly can't do that. But ultimately off to the races I went really over a period of six months just completely transformed. My physique dropped 20 pounds of body fat put on 20 pounds of lean muscle. But way more important to that. And of course you and your audience knows the value of health and wellness. It actually just changed my life, my energy, my enthusiasm, my vibrancy, I became one of the least performing sales for my company all the way the highest performing sales rep in my company, all because of fitness. So that was really what laid the foundation for me to get professionally in the industry, or at least at my own transformation, which led then to me professionally, getting into the industry. Being that I had the interest. I'll be happy to call in those details. But that was the framework really how became a not fit guy all the way to a fit guy and really inspired within our industry.

Anthony Hartcher:

Yeah, and you're really taking the industry forward now in terms of really tackling that obesity pandemic with your bootcamp franchise, which is the fastest growing in the world.

Bryce Henson:

Yeah, from an indoor fitness franchise perspective. We're leading the charge which is very, very humbling, but also very, very excited. Seeing as well. And, you know, shoot, we were just chatting before we went live just about, you know, the state of the world and the global pandemic that we went through the last couple of years, which certainly COVID should be front of her is front of mind. But really, I hope our audience has really taken a second to actually reflect and really see the value of health and fitness. Because, you know, from a data perspective, by far the most people who are most severely impacted, whether hospitalized or even suffered fatality, were statistically obese. And when your body is obese, yes, from an aesthetic perspective, that's not a fun situation to be in. And it certainly creates depression and anxiety and also confidence issues. But way more important than that, your body has to work, you know, so much harder, your organs, your hearts, just to basically keep you alive. And then when you have COVID, or any other disease, for that matter, because let's face it, COVID is not the first virus, it's not the last virus that's going to affect you know, humankind. But if your body has an a weakened immune system, because you're systemically obese, because you're not taking care of yourself, honestly, Anthony, you're sitting duck, so I feel very compelled and call to spread health fitness to really put our society in the world for that matter in a better position to combat COVID, or whatever the next virus is, that comes

Anthony Hartcher:

fantastic. It's such a great mission to have. And you touched on confidence a number of times, certainly, in terms of your story, how fitness has played a major part in increasing your confidence, not only just how you felt about yourself, but that translated into your work and your sales and in your life. And essentially, you'd mentioned the same with people that are obese or have weight, you know, concerns is that their self confidence is lacking. And so there's obviously a tight connection between fitness and increasing self confidence. And that's what we're going to discuss today is your view on taking easy steps towards increasing self confidence. So where does a listener start in terms of their journey to wanting to become fit? Or if they're already fit? How can they even get fitter? And and how does the self confidence piece tie in to that?

Bryce Henson:

Yeah, no, great question, Anthony. And I want to actually take it from a 30,000 foot view. First, it's about self confidence and how to build that. And I have a couple of different strategies. But really, if you break it down, and I learned this from a mentor of mine, which is so true, self confidence really is just keeping the promises not that you make to other people, it's keeping the promises to yourself, first and foremost. And when you're around someone who has a high level of self confidence, which really is just self trust, it really means they make a promise to themselves. And they keep that promise to themselves. When they set their alarm clock to go off in the morning. They don't hit snooze, they don't sleep an hour later than they should, they actually keep that promise they made when they set the alarm clock and they execute that promise. So from a big picture perspective, from my strong opinion, is if you want more self confidence, you actually just need to keep the promise to yourself. And then of course, the secondary aspect of that play is continue to stack wins. And Tony Robbins who I'm a huge follower, I'm sure many of your audience follows as well is famously known for staying progress equals motivation. So at the end of the day, if you continue to stack wins, what you do is create progress for momentum. And then ultimately, you're more inspired to continue on that train and really gain more momentum, and then ultimately more confidence as well. So that's the big picture. And then from a tactical perspective, really, and we talked about, you know, this is a health and fitness show two specific ways, aside from just the general philosophy of stacking wins, and ultimately keeping the promises yourself. Number one is to become fit is really to get fit when you create fitness in your life. That is just a giant confidence booster. And of course, you know, think about it when you break that down. If you decide to become fit, if you make a promise to yourself to become fit, and then ultimately you execute on that promise, your confidence goes through the roof. Of course, in addition to that, the other benefits, you feel better the endorphins are running in your body. So ultimately, that gives you more progress and gives you more motivation to continue on. And then of course, aesthetically, you're going to look better as well. And when you look better when you feel better, ultimately, that's confidence, as well. And again, that's the value of fitness. And really what I like to say and teach our owners teach our clients is fitness is the gateway drug to a better life. If you want to make more money if you want to be more fulfilled, if you want to have better relationships, when you become fit, literally the doors open for you. So that's the first takeaway. And the second takeaway in terms of enhancing your fitness, aside from the general philosophy that I've just shared, is really putting yourself into uncomfortable situations with certainly fitnesses but also from an adventure from an experience perspective. And traveling is an incredible way to do that. We were talking offline. You're from Sydney, Australia, and I've been to Australia once but I've also, you know been fortunate to travel the world and one of the biggest sources of confidence that I've retained in my life was in 2010 I decided to have this dream I always wanted to live in another culture learn another language. So I decided to put myself on a one way ticket from Los Angeles, California to a little island in the South of the world, called Florianopolis, Brazil and ended up meeting what my wife they're getting to Brazilian family. We were talking offline my sister in law who's Brazilian lives in Perth, Australia just opened the doors to so many incredible experience learning language fluently. So from a confidence perspective If, by keeping the promises I made to myself, I always wanted to learn a second language by putting myself out there from an adventure from experience perspective, in an uncomfortable situation. I walked away from that experience. Yes, with a wife, yes, with a Brazilian family yes with a another language under my belt, but way more important, I literally develop myself confidence that can take with me the rest of my life. So hopefully, Anthony, that was maybe a little bit more than you bargained for, but really, from a philosophical perspective, but also from some tangible action steps perspective, really empowering you and your audience to really be, you know, to attain more confidence, which is the goal for all of us.

Anthony Hartcher:

Yeah. So you mentioned that stacking the winds principle, which makes sense, you know, like you have a win, and then you go for another win, and you build those wins. And you know, that self confidence builds momentum. So is it starting with making small promises to yourself and fulfilling those small promises, and maybe give some examples of some small steps someone can take just to build that wind stacking for them?

Bryce Henson:

Totally incredible question. And, really, at the end of the day, it's not what you do once in a while, even if it's with an incredible energy or effort behind you, that actually is what gained success or confidence. It's actually the little things that consistent things that you do on a day to day basis. And interestingly enough human nature, we're just wired to be typically like all in or all out. So someone who has never been fitted had a fitness component of their life, typically speaking, and I've seen this many times in my, you know, 10 plus years career in the fitness industry, they'll go from couch potato to all of a sudden, I'm going to go all in and literally workout seven days a week, I'm going to eat perfectly the perfect diet, I'm not going to do any cheat meals. And that happens that lasts for like seven days. But that is just not sustainable. And really, what you're doing is you're setting yourself up for failure. So Anthony, what I would recommend in terms of stacking wins, if you haven't been fit, if you haven't had that in your lifestyle, instead of all of a sudden saying tomorrow, I'm going to commit to myself to do two hour workout seven days a week and have a perfect diet. How about this, about setting your alarm for 30 minutes earlier than you normally do? And how about you commit to three times during this week that you're gonna get a 15 or 20 minute full body circuit, you don't have to work out an hour and a half or two hours. In fact, if you you know, came cold turkey, your body's gonna hate you for that to begin with. But if you can carve out 15 to 20 minutes, three times a day, or excuse me three times a week, three times a day would be excessive, but ultimately, you know, start there. And then what will happen is, then you'll feel better, okay, it might take, you know, eight weeks or so six to eight weeks. But that's enough time where the average adult can kind of wrap their mind around that. But ultimately, it's enough to also time to start seeing some progress, you're going to start to you know, feel better, you're going to get some early gains, your your nutrition is probably going to clean up a little bit, instead of all of a sudden eating fast food seven days a week, okay, and promising yourself, you're never, you're never gonna eat again, how will you cut that down to two or three times a week about you put down some soda increase a water and your water intake. So these are just like little small things you can do to start. And of course, if you're you know, 100 pounds overweight, those few little changes in in a silo in a vacuum aren't going to make a significant difference. However, if you do those consistently, over time, what will happen is progress equals motivation, you'll actually start increasing your workouts to maybe a half an hour, maybe you'll add a fourth workout in a week, maybe you'll you know, increase your salad intake and actually take down a fast food one or two times a week, instead of initially seven down to three or four. So these are little ways you can actually start the engine wheel to build more confidence build momentum. And honestly, that's what happened for me to really put a bow on it. I talked about my fitness transformation, really being two years of working out with my met first fitness mentor, Adam, but really over a six month period. And really over that six month I started working out initially three times but in month four, I'd kick that up to four times a week. And I did that for a period of time until now I work out six, seven times a week. But again, it's small wins small, keep on stacking those, that's the secret sauce to get started.

Anthony Hartcher:

And I loved how you touched on that thing of the flow on effect. So you start doing that exercise in the morning and you're thinking, Well, I'm on a roll, I'm feeling good. I don't want to undo that 30 minutes of exercise or that 20 minutes that I've that I've done for the day with eating like a takeaway hamburger or something, you then think about, well, what can I eat to get further fuel that momentum. And as you mentioned, you tend to eat better as a result of working out and then you start feeling better as a result of that. And then that flows on to the next day as I want to work out I can't wait to work out. So yeah, I really liked that flow on principle that you get from fitness now, in terms of you can get momentum and you did touch on this, but I'd like to explore it a bit more is that a client can make you know, some progress. They may be four weeks in, everything's going well, but a life event happens whatever it may be that something in life, you know, gets in their way and you know stops or stops that momentum. So what do you recommend to your clients in order to get that momentum back? How can they get back onto that train and keep heading towards that direction they want to hear with their fitness

Bryce Henson:

for Totally. And really Anthony, that's where it comes in the value of coaching because we all you know, we're human right, even the most consistent person is going to have their off days and going to have a life event, something happens where it takes them off kilter. But having a support group, but specifically a coach and accountability coach is the best way, in my opinion. And that's why I'm so passionate about what we do at FIT bodies, because it has that group training. I indicated earlier in the show, the secret sauce of me, you know, connected with my first fitness mentor was that accountability component, because without him, I would hope I would like to think I would have been successful, but I cannot tell you to be certain. So really, it's getting a coach getting an accountability partner, getting a group support group, if you will, that's the secret sauce, for my opinion, and really to kind of hammer that point home about the flow effect if you have never heard it, put in that forum. But it's so true. The opposite is also true. And I was actually just done a podcast about a week and a half ago, and I never heard it put it this way before I was talking with the dietician. And she said when she grew up, her mother realized that, you know, sugar can have a very addictive, you know, kind of mentality. And she said her mother taught her that sugar begets sugar begets sugar begets more sugar. So when you have a little bit of sugar, you just want to continue to have more. So while I showed the positive aspect of actually creating a fitness routine, creating more confidence starting small, the opposite is also true, which you need to be careful of, but again, kind of going full circle. Anthony, that is the value of a fitness or accountability coach and also the group support to basically get you back in the fold hold you accountable, especially when life deals you have at hand.

Anthony Hartcher:

Yeah, it certainly makes a difference to surrounding yourself with people with a similar goal as to yours. And when you're feeling a bit unmotivated, someone else in the group is feeling very motivated. And they lift and inspire the ones that are not feeling great that day. And as a group collective group, you move forward and start to achieve really great outcomes. You mentioned earlier about philosophy around fitness. And I, I know through reading your bio and your background, you have an understanding of stoic philosophy, that timeless wisdom, how do you apply stoicism to your fitness and your work?

Bryce Henson:

will thank you for that. And incredible question. And stoicism is just a philosophy of the successful and sometimes it can be I guess criticized for being a little cold at times. And I can see that I think there's probably some truth to that. But really, at the end of the day, stoicism is about accepting, what have you been given, because if you actually unpeel, the onion, the vast majority of things are actually outside of our control. There's many things that you have influence on but many times, you're actually not in control of the full control of the situation. So it's about understanding what you are in control of, and then what you're not in control of. And literally do not focus one ounce of effort and energy on things you're not in control of in focus full force on things that you are in control of. So, you know, you talked about, you know, maybe a life event comes up, a tragedy comes up that takes you off the mats. And you know, when I say math, that's our training floor, so takes you out of the fitness workout just to provide a little bit more clarity. And yeah, that can be something outside of your control, something bad happens. But when you actually take a step back and realize, okay, the coast is cleared. Now what is in my control, what is in my controls, reach out back to my accountability group reach out to my coach, tomorrow, I'm going to schedule with my workout, you know, first thing in the morning to get back on track. So from that perspective, I think, you know, there's a lot of value and wisdom in the understanding of stoicism, philosophy in turn in terms of focusing completely on what you can control. The other aspect that I just really love and you can apply it to fitness you can apply to business you can apply to life in general, is really the element of stoicism about turning tragedy into triumph. And typically speaking, you know, even on a bad hand of cards that you're dealt, I mean, look at the global pandemic which shut you know, a lot of governments and businesses down, very, very tragic situation, a lot of human life lost, etc. But you actually unpeel it, there were some silver linings there, there's a lot of disruption that happened in the marketing place a lot of innovation that happened. So again, another principle of stoicism is you can cry and woe is me take that mentality on the bad things that happen. Or you can take a look at it and actually pivot you can create you can innovate and make the best of a bad situation. And many times at least in my experience at life, the quote unquote tragedies are many times actually blessings in disguise with the right attitude, the right approach, really understanding and execute against a philosophy. And that's really what I love about the mindset components. So those are two couple takeaways that you can apply.

Anthony Hartcher:

Yeah, absolutely. I can see where it's had a major part in your life and your journey to where you are today based on the story you shared. And I can see how it helps you coach groups of people in terms of them achieving their goals and keeping them aware that yeah, there's only a certain element or certain amount we can control and there's an element that out of our control and just focus on what we can and in order to make that progress and certainly getting out of bed in the morning and putting each him clothes on and heading down to the workout floor is something that's within our control? Absolutely. I was really keen, because you've had a lot of success around your own weight loss and the weight loss of others. You know, I think the Fit Body franchise that you're the CEO of has helped about, I think around a million pounds of weight loss, which is incredible number, what are your top tips for someone looking to lose weight?

Bryce Henson:

Incredible question. Tip number one, which is not going to be probably front and center. But my second fitness mentor actually who at the time he was in his early 50s, he would do you know, bodybuilding shows he had a lean physique, but really six pack abs and all. He said brace you have to drink more water in order for you to lose weight and get lean. And it seemed a little counterintuitive at the time. But the reality of the situation, of course, hydration is incredible for your body. But many times people over eat not because they're hungry, they feel that sensation, but they're actually dehydrated. So by you increasing your water intake, and I don't know the metric, I guess equivalent, but to upwards of a gallon a day will ultimately just change your physique and change your life if you do that consistently. The second thing, and again, I'm gonna give you not necessarily the most common answer. So that way your audience can take action on things that are really, really work, but maybe not so obvious. The second aspect is actually increasing your sleep to at least seven to eight hours a day. Because at the end of the day, I mean, yes, you need to work hard, you need to eat well, you need to train your body, which will help you know sculpt a better physique for you. But rest and recovery is just so so important. So yes, I'm a hard charging CEO. And I have a lot of work on my plate just like you and the rest of your audience. And we live in a very fast paced world. But at the end of the day, I do not skimp on my sleep, I get a solid seven hours, and I'm rested and recovered, I feel better. And then ultimately I can make better decisions while Awake, awake, such as drinking water, such as getting to the gym, getting my bootcamp workouts in and eating clean nutrition. So the sleep component is just cannot be overlooked for fat loss and just for general health. And then of course, it really all comes down to nutrition now, you know, human movement, the fitness aspect and the nutrition aspect. I mean, realistically, they're in one kind of, I guess, one conundrum, if you will, however, if you break it apart, they're actually two separate things. The benefit, though is is we talked about progress equals motivation. Typically, they go hand in hand, when someone gets up and gets a great workout in their palate is more inclined to be open to a lean salad, or a salad or lead piece of lean protein healthy, you know, fruit or vegetable, etc. So what I would say, though, you know, if you really, really want to focus in that weight loss component, you need to do both, because they work in tandem. But really, from a body composition, in a weight loss perspective, your nutrition is going to be far, far more important. And there's a famous adage, saying you can't out train a bad diet. And that is so true. So it's really what you put in your mouth. So you know, making sure you have ample propylene, protein, fruits, vegetables, you know, things that you inherently know, but are you doing. So that would be really the third principle, if you're serious about weight loss, and really to kind of put a bow on the fourth one, I'm going to revisit it, you got to get an accountability partner, you got to hire a coach, you've got to get a support group. And I just say that, because I've been in this game for a long time. And, you know, the people that really, you know, succumb and really connect with other peers and have that accountability coach, ultimately, by and large, they win.

Anthony Hartcher:

Yes, so true. All those ones that you mentioned, are awesome for recovering and it's essentially in the recovery process is where the muscle grows, anabolism happens. So obviously, in the gym, in the gym, workout catabolism happens and you know, you're breaking down muscle tissues, but in the you know, the sleep and the rest and recovery is essentially where the muscles rebuild and grow. And yeah, I'm glad you touched on those points, because I agree with you, they're often overlooked. And it's all about, you know, intense workout and really pushing your body and the harder you push it, the quicker you'll get the results. But you've really touched on points where you it's balancing the workout with a holistic lifestyle which you essentially, you know, suggested around drinking water, getting a good night's sleep and eating nutritious food. You know, it was all about that muscle tissue rebuilding and growing up. And obviously, as part of that is the though the fat burn if you are in a calorie deficit, and that fourth points around accountability is so true, because it's not only you know, you're seeing the proof from it in terms of your results, but obviously you see it with your clients results through having the group and the accountability as part of the offerings. So I'd love to hear you touched on the holism and the recovery part because I agree with you, it's often overlooked. Definitely and

Bryce Henson:

I appreciate that. And you know, at the end of the day Anthony like coaches need coaches too. And I'm a fit guy rightfully so I know I talked about my backstory not being fit. Now I'm a super fit guy and that's a good thing that's expected right? Otherwise they should not be a CEO of fitness franchise. But I also want to be very candid with you as well. I'm a human as well. And what I do know to be true when I'm at my own Fit Body Boot Camp, with Michael which is actually pushing me and I'm actually a client because ultimately, that's how I still am grounded to the business and the client, a Fit Body Boot Camp and owner of Fit Body Boot Camp. I'm a CEO, a Fit Body Boot Camp coach, if if I do boot camp, but I can tell you with certainty, I always get a better, more intense workout with my team and my coaches pushing me than I do by myself. So that, you know, kind of circling back in that accountability piece as well.

Anthony Hartcher:

Absolutely, yeah, we all need to be held account. So humans work together in order to achieve an enhanced outcome. And obviously, you wouldn't have achieved all those without million pounds of weight loss with your clients if it wasn't all working together towards a common goal of weight loss. My next question is just around the common misconceptions around weight loss. What do you commonly hear that you think, wish that rubbish wasn't, you know, put out there? You know, all this misinformation around weight loss? What are the myths fasting that you'd like to do?

Bryce Henson:

I love this question. The first one is, there are healthy foods that can make you fat if you eat them a lot. So sometimes what happens is, you know, people say, oh, you know, brown rice or salmon very healthy, they are salmon is very, very healthy for you. But it's also very high in fat, okay, so when you break it down, ultimately, a gram of protein has four calories, as well as carbohydrates. But ultimately, a gram of fat has nine calories in that. So ultimately, you can very easily overdo it on healthy fat, which is really, really important. So that would be probably the first misconception that like the bust. The second one is actually more on the human movement aspect of it. And a lot of times most of our clients actually females. And the common misconception is resistance training or strength training when someone's lifting weights as an example, especially for female perspective, the common, I guess, misconception is I'm going to get big and bulky, like the Hulk if I lift some weights, and that could not be further from the truth. In fact, most guys who have a lot more testosterone in their body have a hard time putting in muscle and definitely females do. So by lifting weights. And by you know, reading resistance training in your in your program, which you hit on, actually, during the workout itself, you're actually breaking down muscle tissue. And that's why recovery, which we talked about is so important when you're building back up. But when you build it back up, it's leaner, it's tighter, it's denser. And he actually will build lean, lean muscle. And actually for females, it's going to look make you look more toned, first and foremost. And then your body is going to burn calories at a higher rate your your metabolic conditioning is going to increase for upwards, I've seen studies upwards of 3648 hours, whatever the exact number of hours is, the science is out there saying that when you put on lean muscle mass, your body's going to burn way more calories after that workout than if you just do steady state cardio alone. So the common misconception is like, hey, lifting weights will make me big and bulky and really won't have help with fit fat loss. And that's just not true. It'll actually help burn fat on your body and actually make you look lean. So those are probably the two that I hear the most that I really like to tackle.

Anthony Hartcher:

Yeah, I love those points. So very, very much resonate. I resonate with what you're saying around, you've touched on holism you've touched on moderation and not overdoing it, you know, from a fitness point of view in terms of you know, not allowing adequate recovery between workouts, and then also not overdoing the healthy food. Because at the end of the day, you consuming calories as well. And you can certainly overdo it on the good side, you know, and not take you towards your goal essentially, like you would

Bryce Henson:

you certainly can. And the last point sorry to interject that I really want to hit home too, which is just a good coaching tip. But from a nutrition perspective, marketing is on the front end label, the actual nutrition is on the back of the label. So marketing companies that want to market or two can be a little misleading at times. So just be you know, very, very cautious doesn't matter what it says in the front, low fat, low sugar, etc. But they stack it with other bad things. So that would be my last tip. Make sure you're reading the nutrition labels and don't fall for whatever's in the front of the box.

Anthony Hartcher:

That is gold. Because at the moment when there's a fad, the companies latch on to it. Like at the moment it's all plant based. Everybody will say plant based plant based plant based but, you know, the substitute to the plant base could be absolute rubbish, you know, it could be artificial. So, yeah, I really that's a top point, actually, that the listeners should take away. And then same with gluten free like gluten free, dairy free, you know, they just fill it with other things that are not so good. So totally. Yeah. Just before we wrap up, how can the listeners best connect with you?

Bryce Henson:

Yeah, appreciate that. The best way for our Global website is just follow us or go to our website at Fit Body Boot That's Fit Body Boot And then we'd love to continue to add value for your listeners from a health perspective from a wellness perspective or mindset perspective on all my social media channels, which from Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, are real Bryce Henson not to be confused with fake by sentence. So that's where you can find me on social.

Anthony Hartcher:

Fantastic and for the listeners. I'll include all those links in the show notes so you can go directly to the show notes and connect with Bryce Henson. Bryce the final question is your final words of wisdom to the listeners.

Bryce Henson:

Final words of wisdom be like Nike, just do it. I think at the end of the day, we all have concerns and fears and frustrations and baggage and life hits hard, right? But ultimately, you know, in your mind, you know that deep burning in your soul like I met for something more you would not be tuned into Anthony is awesome podcast if you didn't want to better your life. So I'm here to say yes, there's probably a million reasons why, you know, valid reasons that you have obstacles in your way the kids, the school, the work, I mean, all that is true. But at the end of the day, that's not what's going to get you to your goal if you use them as excuses. So be like Nike, just do it. Start small and ultimately, you'll end big.

Anthony Hartcher:

Fantastic. I love those concluding words, Bryce Henson, and I really appreciate you putting aside the time in your busy schedule to come on, and empower and enlighten our listeners. So thank you so much, Bryce.

Bryce Henson:

Anthony. It was a pleasure, super grateful to be here and just want to give you acknowledgement as well. This is an incredible conversation well prepared, and I can see why you and your podcast has had so much success.

Anthony Hartcher:

Thank you so much, Bryce and to the listeners. Thank you for tuning in to another insightful episode of me and my health app. Really appreciate it. Please share it with others that could benefit anyone that's looking to lose weight or improve their fitness. This is a great starting point is this episode with Bryce Henson. He really knows what he's talking about. You resonate with my philosophy, and I thoroughly recommend you share the episode like it leave a review so we can get it out to more people. And thanks for tuning in and stay tuned in for more insightful episodes of me and my health up.